Originally posted by Uncle Dave:
While I do like the simple/generic operation of the Yamaha....I can't imagine going back unless they come up to par with the key feel and vocal inputs. I can play all night on a Korg arranger with no discomfort, but those flimsy Yamaha keys make it a chore to get through the first 2 hours for me.
O/S aside ...... I can't go back.
Like in my post , the reason someone dislikes yamaha is mainly hardware(key feel,less keys,construction), VH and some XG sounds and over Equalization.
But almost never with styles (western music), OS for OMB playing.Like in my post if you use less styles, more SMF or only as drum machine ,you have other options.
S 900's guitar styles(ac guitar/bass drums -3 piece combo type) beat everthing in the market including PA2x,SD5 and G70s.
Why? because they put more $ on style programming, OMB play.They know that styles and logical OS/buttons play very important role in an arranger.
Individual sounds (except for SAs)Korg has the edge (more body and depth).
Again we are taking about arrangers,to play arranger live in OMB situation.Not in a band,not @ home ,not SMF or using LH bass.old I30 can do the job without any problem.
Most of us here will buy a Yammy arranger module in a minute.Or if Yam put better and more keys/ improve VH - competition will have a tough time to compete.
BTW -I'm a mostly Korg user(both Ws and Arranger)(also Rolands)(who used to bash Yammy for sounds/hardware etc), but in recent years I really can't stop noticing them doing it right in arranger department ,having total control in realtime without problems, getting less (busy)is more approach,etc.
think about pads that plays loops (only started in PAx series -not PA series)(while Roland still sleeps).Yammy have been doing that for years in their cheap models like 55x series.PSr 2k had it and PA 80 didn't for eg.I would love to have that and USB to device feature as an ARRANGER PLAYER instead of dual sequencers with primitive display for example - yes talking about lower $1500 -psr 3k and 1500).
BTW- Roland HAD the technology(yes before Korg) -1995 -XP 50's RPS realtime phrase sequecing feature- a multipad like feature -loops that can be assigned to a key(without following chords BTW), Korg followed that feature in their N series.But Roland's R'n'D dept did'nt think they should put the feature in an arranger.Yammy did and stole the market.
Go to a dealer, turn on a s900, press the 1st style group button and choose - 60's guitar pop or 90's guitar pop,choose a silde nylon SA as your RH voice,change the style variations and compare that to others including PA 2x and SD5.You'll understand why Yamaha is sucessful in making real world styles for western/international pop rock arranger and the reason why they sell well.Compare that to others Including unplugged styles of PA 800/2x pro.
In Yammy ,you can -(Sync/change) your poorly written(downloaded drum track'd SMF with your styles.Meaning -
Your 70's SMF will play with a contemp snare style of mid 2000s).
Logical layout - in sound section press (mony/ply button),DSP ,R1 /R2 instant mute/on/select PHYSICAL buttons, the list goes on.
I hate to press tempo buttons though (in KORG the wheel will take care of it,also double pressing a button will go the the next page)_BUT you have to press A/B button to change sound/styles selection in Korg-poor design continued from PA 80.).Yeah ,Korg's songbook saves tranposed data - but other disadvantages as an ARRANGER makes that little.
Any KB builder can make a good sound- Motif ,Fantoms and Tritons are the proofs.
But can they make a GOOD ARRANGER with GOOD styles to be used for live play for a ONE MAND BAND?(NOTin a /homestudio/live band or partially using as a drum machine using LH bass)-.
Yammy is doing arranger job quite well (and getting away with it's deficiencies -hardware,VH, no real seq etc) since competition don't get it.
I want all arranger makers to compete in doing a GOOD ARRANGER.
We don't need a WS, not a 8 track recorder(good to have as long as they don't take out other must haves), not putting a fancy superficial new feature and omit(Dbeam in and Chord seq out in Roland,yes I know I can trigger D beam) or weaken a major feature or put a must have physical button under sub menus or A/B buttons, saving $ in wrong area (like PA 500 not having lights for pads, taking away bass inversion button),Or not having a feature at all (Multi Pads in Roland),etc.
Just a thought and advice to some.
[This message has been edited by jamman (edited 03-02-2008).]