I think Al is like me. He wants 76 keys and other pro features but we both like the extraordinarily good sounds that emanate from Yamaha arrangers and/or workstations and ultimately we would like to see all of those "extra" pro features incorporated on a Yamaha totl arranger. But since Yamaha has "so far" shunned producing a 76 key totl arranger it has frustrated many a yammie loyalist and as a result some have jumped ship like Al and Stephen and many others I would guess. That is the main reason I didn't upgrade to a Tyros2 even though it had the super articulated voices on board, etc. But now with other choices on the market from Korg and still others on the drawing board like the Audya (which hopefully will be released before years end)

, it may no longer be necessary to stick with a Yamaha arranger keyboard product even though they're coming out with SAV2 or whatnot. Those that want 76 keys have options available to them and those choices appear to be very competitive in the sound department to Yamaha's arrangers.
I suppose Yamaha still feels that the 76 key market is too slim for them to make a reasonable profit. Plus it would be hard for them to come back to the 76 key arena after years of absence and then try to make a dent in Korg, Roland, and Ketron's already established foothold on the 76 key market.
I still love my Tyros and I would buy a 76 Tyros3 in a heartbeat if the other criteria on the Tyros3 met my needs - which I have little doubt that it wouldn't. But the slight minor detail that will be missing on the Tyros3 i.e. "76" keys will be a deal breaker for many a yammie fan, including me unfortunately. Sigh... What more can I say? I've pleaded and begged to coerce Yamaha into changing their obstinate

mind and once again make a 76 totl arranger. So now I just try to take it all in stride. Yamaha will do what it wants no matter what the consumer or even their own customers plead for them to do apparently and if that is the case then so be it. Like I said, there are other options on the table and those options are looking better all the time.
PS: I think I will always be a Yamaha fan as to their keyboard products and other audio equipment, etc. But if they are unwilling to give me or others what we want (as in a "76" key totl arranger) then what can I do? I will have to shop elsewhere, that's all.