I sprung for the $4.99 "on demand" fee and watched the movie last night. It was nice. Not a blockbuster, and not the type I'll need to watch over and over ( like Mr. Holland ), but I did enjoy the surrealness of it. The intense looks on the kids face when he was playing. Too bad they didn;t train Keri Russel better in faking the cello parts. Sometimes, the strings didn't eben look like they were pushed down.
I don't mean to pick it apart, but I'm always critical of that kind of "movie magic". Remember Robert Deniro in "New York, New York", or Richard Gere in "The Cotton Club" - bad fake jobs there too.
I DID like the movie though. I'm always a sucker for a happy ending. It had an "Oliver" like twist(sorry

) to it. Robin Williams could play Fagan with ease.