loud, rattle the mirrirs in the bathroom, and leave you partially deaf each night and probably leave a few patrons with headaches on the ride home. The extra boominess that makes the bad dancers dance will not be able to tell if the highs and mids are proportionate because the volume will be so loud and in their face. You're right......modern technology just can't compete with the good old days.

I just did a sweet 16 party tonight with my L1 II system and only ONE Bose sub ..... the dance floor was never empty, I could hear every request that came to me ...even with my head only 12 inches from the tower.....which BTW, never fed back once even though my live mic was right there too.
The Bose is not for everyone. It's not for those resistant to change, or those who need to actually feel the bass rumble in their stomaches. It's a new and improved approach, and fill the bill 100% for it's target market. You'll never see some MTV rockers with Peavey gear, and you'll never convince an old school musician with hearing loss that this new, smoother system can do the job. Then again, just make him a cassette tape of the sound and have him play it back, while you stroll down memory lane........shouting at each other.
" So, Jeff.....I got a new hearing aid yesterday!"
"Oh yeah...what kind is it??"
"Hmmmm....almost 11:30 ! "

I love you guys....but not as much as I love my Bose.

Ditto on the Bose Lt1 Mod II with the Tone Match. It's like having an Ultra HiFi extremely wide dispersion PA system. It sounds exactly the same 180 degrees. We use one Sub and it's plenty for 300 seat places. We have another for larger venues but rarely use it.
People are always asking about the system.
[This message has been edited by Kingfrog (edited 03-31-2008).]