Don, I didn't realize you were hosting the Jam. I haven't been reading all of the posts for the last several months (been rather busy) and I must have missed the thread about you hosting the Jam in Shreveport. Congratulations on that honorary distinction.
PS: To all those who are going - Have Fun!
Oh, and if there is a way to get confirmation regarding the specs of the Audya it would be much appreciated. I would like to know for sure if it has USB 2.0 and also if the polyphony will indeed be 197 or if Ketron decided to bump it up to 256. Any information you can find out about the Sampler would be appreciated too. For instance, what kind of RAM does it accept e.g. PC 100/133, DDR (2), etc. Also, will the Sampler have micro editing capability and does it also support "multi-sampling". Any thing else you guys can think of to ask Ketron regarding any of the products they have on hand and to write them down and/or record the conversations - which will save you from having to jot down notes at the Jam and would again be much appreciated. Oh! And the street price of the Audya if that's possible. Thanks guys!
[This message has been edited by keybplayer (edited 04-20-2008).]