Can't try them eh? Ouch.. That sucks.
Hate to say this but unless you can try or at least listen to demos there is no way to know if you are going to like a synth or not. Synths aren't really picked for just specs and features nor they are picked based on some other peoples reviews.
I think unless you can feel the keyboard action, turn a few knobs and make some noise there's no way to tell if the synth is right for you or not.
Just my opinion. Try before you buy.
Also, I hope you aren't going to plug your synth into a guitar amp. Guitar amps are for guitars. Synths need to be hooked up to something that was meant for synths. If you knew that then I'm sorry for assuming you didn't but if you didn't know it then you do now I guess....

[This message has been edited by 3351 (edited 11-06-2006).]