Don't worry... So what if there are no music stores left..?
When the tab for the War finally comes due (after the note has been bought by the Chinese, of course), none of us will have very much for new keyboards, anyway

What an inspired idea... Start a war, and put the whole thing on credit, so the NEXT administration (2008) has to be the ones that have to raise taxes and cut benefits to pay for it. Genius...

Then, at the NEXT election after that one (2012), you promise to cut taxes and regain power after it was YOU that made the mess in the first place (and then you just cut taxes on the top 10%, thereby fulfilling your election promise

After all, as long as the top 10% do well in the US, who cares what happens to the rest of us?

"I pledge allegiance to the United Corporation of America, and to the Profits for which it stands, with Golden Parachutes for us, and Liberty and Justice for all who can afford them"
Or we could talk about MUSIC..?