Originally posted by Dnj:
Arguing about something that isn't even out yet?......."BRILLIANT" 
Who's arguing? Were just having a little fun at Yamaha's expense..

Okay, here is my theory as to why the pictures got taken down so quickly. Two words: Steve Deming.

Steve browses around the SZ on a fairly regular basis I would assume, although you could never tell that by his once in a blue moon chime in's where he will actually post and say something. Hi Steve.

He saw the thread and then saw the post of the supposed T3 link and immediately got on the horn to his superiors at Yamaha U.S. who then got on the horn to Yamaha Japan. Actually it may not have even gotten as far as Yamaha Japan where Yamaha U.S. simply took care of it themselves. With the threat of a lawsuit and with Yamaha's arsenal of high priced Attorneys the Eastern European site quickly buckled and swiftly took the page down. End of story. Yamaha won the battle and they surrendered.
PS: It may have actually been a 'real' pic of a 'real' T3 but since there has been NO official announcement of the T3 by Yamaha as of yet, Yamaha is just simply trying to cover their own backs and prevent "unauthorized" info of the T3 from getting out before Yamaha's official announcement which is forthcoming, and hopefully very soon I might add.

[This message has been edited by keybplayer (edited 05-20-2008).]