#235699 - 06/09/08 10:03 PM
Re: Best B3 Simulation
Registered: 04/25/05
Posts: 14366
Loc: NW Florida
Why would they get into anything that the market is getting smaller for every year, not larger?  Nord's latest is a vector synthesis keyboard. Loops, morphing textures, cutting edge sounds. Doesn't sound like they are exactly chomping at the bit to supply bossa nova machines for non-players, does it..?  They have NEVER made an all-round, workstation-like product, don't have the sample library for something as complicated as this, and have always specialized in focused application keyboards, whether it is the Nord Lead, Electro, Stage or C1. To be honest, I admire their approach. Better a few brilliant sounds that we all need than a plethora of half-assed sounds of little value. More keyboard companies should note this, IMO 
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!
#235701 - 06/10/08 07:08 AM
Re: Best B3 Simulation
Senior Member
Registered: 09/21/00
Posts: 43703
Originally posted by Diki: Why would they get into anything that the market is getting smaller for every year, not larger? 
Nord's latest is a vector synthesis keyboard. Loops, morphing textures, cutting edge sounds. Doesn't sound like they are exactly chomping at the bit to supply bossa nova machines for non-players, does it..? 
They have NEVER made an all-round, workstation-like product, don't have the sample library for something as complicated as this, and have always specialized in focused application keyboards, whether it is the Nord Lead, Electro, Stage or C1.
To be honest, I admire their approach. Better a few brilliant sounds that we all need than a plethora of half-assed sounds of little value. More keyboard companies should note this, IMO  Diki why do you put down arranger players & thier choice of instruments. Theres more of us then you really know world wide. I'm proud to play an arranger KB. In this post you seem to veer away from arranger alliance & keep your distance as do many non believers who wouldn't be caught dead playing an arranger for fear of being exiled by so called "REAL" musicians who look down atthe arranger players world? I hope that's not your train of thought also being you play an arranger also no matter how you use it.
#235702 - 06/10/08 08:04 AM
Re: Best B3 Simulation
Registered: 04/25/05
Posts: 14366
Loc: NW Florida
Far from it Donny... You know I have played nothing BUT arrangers for all my live gigs for the last 15 years or so. But that doesn't stop me from acknowledging their TRUE customer base, as Ian so often points out (and you always, at least since you went back to Yamaha, seem to agree with him  ). The HOME player, one finger user, which gets us the rep in the first place! Sure, us 'pros' can use them, but you have to be something of an odd duck (and that's me in a nutshell!) and try to realize that they are neither designed, nor expected to be used by pros much, especially the market leader. There's a lot of us gathered here, but as Ian points out, we are hardly representative!
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!
#235703 - 06/12/08 06:56 AM
Re: Best B3 Simulation
Senior Member
Registered: 09/21/02
Posts: 5524
Loc: Port Charlotte,FL,USA
DUMB I know better. I had reported that Native Instruments B4 was good, but not quite what I was striving for. I put my Muse Receptor in my 3 space rack by itself, and started over. I saw I had connected only the right out, as I use a Bose, which is mono. I know that a mono out is already summed to mono, but tapping one half of a R/L is not necessarily summed. I took both jacks out and summed to mono . This made the difference. What a sound !
Thanks, Diki, and all others for their suggestions. I would rather eat crow and fess up to a faulty assumption than to say nothing. Bernie
pa4X 76 ,SX900, Audya 76,Yamaha S970 , vArranger, Hammond SK1, Ketron SD40, Centerpoint Space Station, Bose compact
#235704 - 06/12/08 07:48 AM
Re: Best B3 Simulation
Senior Member
Registered: 09/21/00
Posts: 43703
Originally posted by Diki: Far from it Donny... You know I have played nothing BUT arrangers for all my live gigs for the last 15 years or so.
But that doesn't stop me from acknowledging their TRUE customer base, as Ian so often points out (and you always, at least since you went back to Yamaha, seem to agree with him ). The HOME player, one finger user, which gets us the rep in the first place!
Sure, us 'pros' can use them, but you have to be something of an odd duck (and that's me in a nutshell!) and try to realize that they are neither designed, nor expected to be used by pros much, especially the market leader. There's a lot of us gathered here, but as Ian points out, we are hardly representative!Diki......we may be odd ducks...BUT we're Great Playing ODD DUCKS  ....whoever made up the Arranger Keyboard RULES I'll never know & quite frankly don't give a crap... Let the arranger POLICE look and drool baby  We're here to stay & let the so called pros peek over & always wonder "How does he get that great sound?" with that "Home Keyboard" with speakers bahahahaha  It happens all the time & I love it  Lets just do our thing, forget the naysayers & enjoy our musical lives & the fact that we can make people happy with our music & make a decent living doing it. "Money For Nothing & The Chicks For Free"