Without memories, your life may as well be wasted! We all must touch someone, leave something behind ... Life is the journey, and what happens on the way HAS to be remembered, or it was all in vain!
I could buy into "having touched and affected others" during my “journey,” but do I care if I'm remembered? Still....a big "no!" I see "wanting to be remembered" as a huge ego trip. One should help his fellow man (and woman....must be politically correct!) to the best of his abilities, but the Bible says that you get "recognized" in Heaven. That's enough for me! And besides, I think after a short stay in that great condominium complex in the sky, I'm going to come back as either a giant Hershey Bar or a jackrabbit in Arizona and then I'll start it all over again.
This thread put me back in touch with ambitions I had for years when I DID want to be remembered for something. I always wanted to do either a Victor Borge type of musical comedy or a huge family show a la Liberace and Andre Riu where you would do whatever you had to do to bring wholesome entertainment into people's lives for a few hours and on a grand scale. That would mean playing, singing, joking, having other entertainers on stage with you performing, and general patter with the audience. The whole format would be geared towards countering this assault (these last 20 or so years) on family values by producing good, clean, wholesome entertainment. No cursing or foul language or blue jokes. If Jackie Gleason and Lawrence Welk could do it that way, I figured I could to!
I forgot that I forgot all about this great endeavor where I would leave my mark on the entertainment world. Though I do think about it periodically whenever I toy with buying a Ketron and using that as the basis of an act.