Hi Zuki,
they're only a collection of styles I downloaded from Korg & Createasong forums.
All I've done to date is discard the really bad ones, and put them into banks of, jazz, ballads, bigband etc. & save them to USB stick instead of having them clog up the keyboard.
Now if I need to look for a style for a song , I can just load in a suitable bank into the User 1, 2 or 3 section of the keyboard. Audition them with the song. If I find a suitable one, I can tweak it , & save it to a Favourites slot permanently.
Currently the only ones I've tweaked are some of my own conversions & some simple piano styles I put together.
I can't sell them, as they're not mine to sell. I'm more than happy to give you a copy of the collection, though.
best wishes
Originally posted by zuki:
RIKKI - want to sell me your style collection - sincerely