The only time I chime in on Bose threads is to return a little reality to the trance like state so many owners get themselves into. It doesn't work for everyone, it isn't the best solution for all situations or budgets, and it is comparatively VERY expensive.
Of course, you will rarely get that from an actual owner...
I don't know if anyone has noticed, but the majority of times I give a recommendation about some equipment a member is looking into, I DON'T usually recommend what I use. Unless what I use fits their exact stated needs, which is seldom.
I try to think of what THEY might need, can afford, are familiar with, etc., etc..
To be honest, I think that's what the poster is really looking for. There are several posts here about equipment that is FAR more in line with what the initial poster is using, and will still be an improvement without breaking the bank and presenting a paradigm shift in how they amplify their arranger
I guess the trick would have been to recommend the PAS, but then offer some more realistic alternatives when the Ferrari of PA's turns out to be too expensive/complicated/whatever... But often, you can't get any admission out of a Bose owner that there IS any alternative!
Before sunny goes off and blows three grand or more of his church's precious offerings, can we at least get some alternatives out of the Bose crowd?
The poster deserves it, doesn't he?