Side by side with a black cased porta-B at NAMM,, the small size of the new XK was surprising, when stacked on the controller, with full pedals.
While I'll still use the C-1 out, I'm going to get an XK with all the goodies for home.
It just feels right. The only question is, do I get a matching wooden case Leslie or a wooden cased Motion Sound. I'm so anal I'd insist on a perfect match of the wood veneers, and it'd be my luck that neither would match exactly, and that would bother me.
This one will stay prestine in my den.
I'll look at the new Rhodes in a week or so to use on my right hand with it.
Still planning to re-do the cabints on the old 1949 M and old Leslie. I'll put that in the conference room at the warehouse for quick Hammond "fixes". The Nord will be my more than adequate jobbing tool. And, my old B-3 in permanent residence at a local club will be what I use there as often as possible. For old B players, that's the ultimate situation!
Love the toys....!
[This message has been edited by captain Russ (edited 06-25-2008).]