#237169 - 07/01/08 06:57 AM
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#237181 - 07/07/08 07:18 PM
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Sadly, the one thing I REALLY like in the MotifXS keyboards is dropped in the XS Rack (and has been for all the Motif Racks)... The sampler... Somehow, Roland can include it in their Fantom Racks, but Yamaha drop it for the Motif series. Shame, really, as it isn't worth it for me to get a Fantom rack, as many of those sounds, and the 'flava' is already in my G70, and I really wanted to add Mega voices to my rig, but the incompatibility between MotifXS Mega voices and T2 and S900 ones makes using the XS Rack as a replacement for those products very difficult, and with no sampler, it starts to be a far less attractive purchase. Shame... Hey, Jørgen - if you are reading this, how about a program that converts from T2/S900 Mega information into XS Mega info...? That would be REAL handy 
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!
#237182 - 07/08/08 09:36 AM
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I really wanted to add Mega voices to my rig, but the incompatibility between MotifXS Mega voices and T2 and S900 ones makes using the XS Rack as a replacement for those products very difficult, and with no sampler, it starts to be a far less attractive purchase. Shame... You never know though. Maybe Yamaha "fixed" the SAV implementation with the Rack XS compared to the Motif XS. I believe though that the Mega Voices are all the same in the Rack XS, T2, and S900. At least as far as the technology behind them goes that is. The S900 has less in quantity of the mega voices than the T2 or Rack XS does though. But there should be no incompatibility as far as using the Rack XS with the S900 or T2 in my opinion. What you need to be aware of is if you have another brand of keyboard product other than the Yamaha brand and you try to MIDI up to the Rack XS you will most likely face incompatibility issues with not only the Mega Voices on the Rack XS, but also the SA voices on the Rack XS as well. I know I had problems when I midi'd up my Roland Sonic Cell with my Tyros. Since I bought the Roland Fantom G I am now using my Sonic Cell with that instead of my Tyros. Of course with that combo there is complete integration and compatibility.  But the Motif Rack-XS used with a non-Yamaha i.e. (minus Mega voice and SAV inside) product?? There's bound to be some compatibility issues in my opinion. >> Your mileage may vary.. And all I can say is buyer beware!! PS: I'm talking about when you play SMF on your keyboard through the Rack-XS. If you play the keys while playing the patches i.e. "voices" in the Rack XS you should be fine. Except that you can't play the Mega Voices in a live venue type situation as we all know.  At least not effectively anyway.  Again, your mileage may vary, depending on how well you can play those nefarious Mega Voices, of course. Best, Mike [This message has been edited by keybplayer (edited 07-08-2008).]
Yamaha Genos, Mackie HR824 MKII Studio Monitors, Mackie 1202 VLZ Pro Mixer (made in USA), Cakewalk Sonar Platinum, Shure SM58 vocal mic.
#237188 - 07/11/08 06:26 PM
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Originally posted by keybplayer: I found out that the Motif-Rack XS has a GM bank of sounds that are "full" Motif XS sounds. Even though the Motif-Rack XS isn't fully GM compatible Mike, sorry, but I need to clarify some of these points.. Firstly the Yamaha modules Motif, Motif ES and the Motif XS are FULLY GM1 and GM2 compatible and meet the full midi spec. (I own a Motif ES Rack). What Yamaha have done is put BETTER sounds into the GM banks, but they still respond to the standard GM bank patches 0-127 as well as all controller and other GM requirements. In some cases the sounds are even layered, not because Yamaha had to, but because they CHOSE to at the sample level, so users can get superb sounding SMF's even though they are still just the basice GM soundset. There are several threads about the GM patches at the Motif Forums. And in particular Bad Mister (yeah thats his nick!!) has written several great explanations of this subject. (he is the, or one of the, chief Yamaha techs in the U.S.) Personally, I always use the higher bank sounds as they have better efx and the ability for insertion effects. Dennis
#237189 - 07/12/08 01:05 PM
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Thanks for your reply Dennis.  Since the Motif Racks are basically a Motif keyboard without the keys  I assumed the Motif Rack modules were not 'fully' GM compatible since the Motif 'keyboards' aren't, from what I've been told anyway. And guess how I found out about the Motif keyboards (side note: in particular he was talking about the Motif XS keyboard) but would apply to the whole Motif line no doubt - that's right, our friend Phil Clendeninn i.e. Bad_Mister of Yamaha U.S..  Now, he could have blurted out that piece of information and it may have been incorrect (nobody's perfect right?)  , but when I called him on it he didn't reverse the remark he made, so I assume he was stating facts and knew what he was talking about.  Anyway, if you know something regarding the Motif Racks that proves they are "fully" GM compatible then I don't doubt you Dennis.  I haven't read the RACK-XS manual yet and the manual could specifically state that it/they are i.e. "fully" GM compatible. If the Motif Racks ARE then all the better.  Best, Mike [This message has been edited by keybplayer (edited 07-12-2008).]
Yamaha Genos, Mackie HR824 MKII Studio Monitors, Mackie 1202 VLZ Pro Mixer (made in USA), Cakewalk Sonar Platinum, Shure SM58 vocal mic.
#237200 - 07/26/08 09:13 PM
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#237205 - 07/28/08 04:03 AM
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#237221 - 07/28/08 07:59 PM
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#237230 - 07/29/08 04:45 AM
Registered: 03/31/02
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Originally posted by kla4: Ensnareyou: It's truly shocking what you are trying to tell here! Perhaps Wersi uses the methods you describe but there is one thing I know for sure : The Yamaha Tyros(x) demo's are played without external instruments, sequencers of whatever. Why should they? ..... this is the way Tyros3 sounds and is playable for all real keyboardists.
It's obvious you are a Wersi-fan, but your statement 'Wersi can do it much better' makes me smile.... please wake up!
You clearly misread my previous post. I did not say Yamaha used external sound modules to try and deceive anyone. The sounds generated in the Tyros 3 demos are sounds from the Tyros 3. How those sounds are played is an entirely different story though. Contrary to what you believe the factory demos are recorded using computer based sequencers such as Logic, Cubase, etc. using live musicians triggering MIDI fitted instruments i.e MIDI Guitar, MIDI wind instruments, Drum triggers and using the Tyros as a sound source. "Why should they" you ask? The reason for doing so is that it's far easier to record a real sounding guitar, drum, or sax part by actually playing a real instrument with a MIDI converter triggering the samples of the Tyros 3 (or any other instrument for that matter). Nearly every manufacturer is guilty of using these techniques and while it may be the sounds from the actual keyboard (or most often a prototype sound module being triggered), the manner in which the demos are played and recorded is quite deceptive. Few people are even aware these techniques are employed and for good reason. Like I said before... what you don't know won't hurt you according to the manufacturers. If you believe that even the most skilled keyboardist can mimic these demos by playing them live I'd like to see them do it. That would have to be one phenomenal musician and a near impossible task even for the truly gifted. An average keyboardist wouldn't even stand a chance of pulling it off. Sometimes what sounds so simple is much harder than one can imagine. Wersi did in fact use Cubase for many of their demos but they aren't trying to trick you by saying they don't. Cubase was actually part of the OAS software all the way up until OAS 7. After that Wersi developed their own internal sequencing software. I'm sure many of the OAS 7 demos are still recorded using Cubase. My reference to Wersi being able to do it much better wasn't out of line. Even if the Tyros 3 has 500MB of sound ROM that ROM has to be spread out for hundreds and hundreds of sounds therefore breaking down to maybe a MB or two per sound if that. The Wersi has nearly 1 GB of factory sounds and using VST's I can utilize sounds that employ 1GB or more for a single sound. If you believe the Tyros 3 can outperform a disk based sample player then give GigaStudio, Halion, or Kontakt a listen and see how well the Tyros sounds hold up in comparison. Here are a few examples: http://www.sampletekk.com/proddemos/WG/everybodyhappy.mp3 http://www.sampletekk.com/proddemos/WG/WhiteGrandDemo9.mp3 http://www.sampletekk.com/proddemos/WG/Restitution.mp3 http://www.sampletekk.com/proddemos/WG/WhiteRock.mp3 http://www.sampletekk.com/proddemos/WP/WorrasProphetDemo1.mp3 http://www.sampletekk.com/proddemos/BG/Adagio_Cantabile_Mid.mp3 http://www.sampletekk.com/proddemos/BOB/BiggaGiggasBobDemo1.mp3 http://www.sampletekk.com/proddemos/BOB/BiggaGiggasBOBDemo5.mp3 http://media.soundsonline.com/ip/mp3/229778.mp3 http://media.soundsonline.com/ip/mp3/229777.mp3 http://media.soundsonline.com/ip/mp3/229788.mp3 [This message has been edited by Ensnareyou (edited 07-29-2008).]
#237239 - 07/29/08 07:37 AM
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#237245 - 07/29/08 04:36 PM
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Hi Miden Have a look in the Yamaha manual and sales blurb, and you will find all the Megavoices have been recorded using the appropriate Midi controller. (Midi Guitar Pickup for Guitars, Midi wind controller for wind instruments etc) Personally I couldn’t care less how it’s done, providing it gives the impression of the real instrument when I play it on a keyboard. (Sounds still have a long way to go, which is why there is still a selection of keyboards out there, and it is still the individuals choice as to which personally gives them most pleasure) I am sure glad everybody is different. (Diversity is the spice of life)
English Riviera: Live entertainment, Real Ale, Great Scenery, Great Beaches, why would anyone want to live anywhere else (I�m definitely staying put).
#237246 - 07/29/08 06:27 PM
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I think the main point Yamaha is emphasizing with the Tyros3 sounds is the sounds themselves, and not necessarily the chops (or method) behind the playing. Whether it's done by means of a MIDI guitar, Cubase, or Peter Baartmans  , Yamaha is trying to get the listener to hone in on the "sound" that the Tyros3 is producing, whether AC.Grand Piano, Irish Bag Pipe, or Jazz Guitar, or whatever.  They of course want the sounds to sound as natural as can be to their native environment i.e. the real instrument itself being played by a real person, but if it can't be humanly achieved they need to fudge a little (or a lot  ) to get it done needless to say. And it costs Yammie a whole lot less too than if they had hired world class musicians to attempt to do it. If the Jazz Guitar was done by a real person using a MIDI guitar, the session player would have commanded a premium price for his work and must have cost Yammie a pretty penny just for that one demo alone. More than likely though is was done by skilled software engineers using Cubase. Yamaha has not really deceived anybody by doing this though. They have put up information saying as much i.e. that the demos can't necessarily be interpreted as something the user himself can actually accomplish when playing the instrument himself - that is, whatever the keyboard instrument might happen to be; in this case the Tyros3. Giving the listener the opportunity to hear the sounds at their professional playing best can give him or her the inspiration and desire to try and attain those same ideals. Of course, 99.99999% of the population could never really attain the precise perfection that these demos demonstrate.  Nevertheless practice does make perfect; and trying to attain those goals can only go in helping the player's own natural playing ability in the long run.  In other words, it may be a possibility that someone on this very forum could be the next Peter Baartmans or even exceed Mr. Baartman's playing ability if he or she has the desire and dedication (and the chops) to attain or exceed that specific goal and ideal.  Another thing. We need to lighten up a tad because, as we all know, Nigel is looking over our shoulders and we don't want to upset him to the point of doing something rash now, do we?  As far as the sounds on the T3.. The AC Piano - is 'pretty good', the Irish Bag Pipe - 'I guess you need to be a full blooded Irishman to appreciate it to its fullest extent eh?'  . I would rather have had a brilliant Scottish Bag Pipe sample though since it is the sound that is so well known throughout the world, instead of what they gave the T3. And finally the Jazz Guitar - 'sounds pretty good also, although nothing new or beyond what the T2 already brings to the table in my humble opinion. I would need to hear all of them in person before I make my final determination of their real worth though. Same goes for all the other voices in the new yammie as well. Best, Mike
Yamaha Genos, Mackie HR824 MKII Studio Monitors, Mackie 1202 VLZ Pro Mixer (made in USA), Cakewalk Sonar Platinum, Shure SM58 vocal mic.
#237249 - 07/30/08 06:00 AM
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Guys..., seriously, it's no secret that the keyboard makers have been (using outboard gear) to record the internal demos for years. What people seem to be missing is what one of the main reasons the demo button is there for.., it's there for the "salesman". Many music stores don't have experienced staff to demo keyboards. So they just press the demo button.
This is NO SECRET..., they've been doing this for years now. Yes, Ensnareyou is right about some sounds not even residing in the presets. Hell, my old PSR-550 had a more modern sound that used a (tweeked version) of the hip hop kit, BUT that tweeked version wasn't available as a preset kit to just choose from as a normal voice. It was only available by going into edit mode for that style-and there were some limitations too. This wasn't something you read about in the manual either.
**If you really think the makers are recording these awesome demos using the onboard patches by triggering them manually from the keybed itself---then boy do I have some nice ocean-front property to sell ya here in West Virginia** It's not just arrangers.., it's also done with the major workstations too.
Why do all these topics have to turn into peeing contests? Why can't you guys just accept that many of you have different opinions regarding keyboards.., and WHY do so many of you go ON and ON about one of the most SUBJECTIVE parts about a keyboard (THE SOUNDS). You want to argue, then argue about FEATURES.., why rip into the sound quality when cleary EVERYONE'S ear is going to be different. These constant peeing contests really make this a nasty place at times, and the topics just go to hell because of them.
**Also think about this... How often have you read about "real musicians" being used to record those great styles on your arrangers. Do you think they're all sitting in a circle, passing the keyboard around to each other? They're using outboard gear to trigger the internal samples. If they do this with the styles..., they're clearly doing it with the onboard demos too**
[This message has been edited by squeak_D (edited 07-30-2008).]
GEAR: Yamaha MOXF-6, Casio MZX-500, Roland Juno-Di, M-Audio Venom, Roland RS-70, Yamaha PSR S700, M-Audio Axiom Pro-61 (Midi Controller). SOFTWARE: Mixcraft-7, PowerTracks Pro Audio 2013, Beat Thang Virtual, Dimension Le.
#237258 - 08/02/08 08:34 AM
Registered: 10/24/99
Posts: 361
Loc: Denmark
Hi Originally posted by rattley: This place NEVER changes.....Ugh!!!! Apparantly not. IMO one problem in this group is "thread hijacking". No matter the original thread subject a number of members here starts riding their hobby when the thread reaches message #10. Just take this thread as an example. IMO if anyone wants to discuss e.g. "Wersi" then THEY ought to start a "Wersi" thread; instead of hijacking a running thread. Just my opinion! Have a nice day Jørgen ------------------ The Unofficial YAMAHA Keyboard Resource Site
#237262 - 08/03/08 02:54 AM
Registered: 10/24/99
Posts: 361
Loc: Denmark
Hi Diki Originally posted by Diki: Mind you, you don't see Jørgen speaking up when a Roland thread gets hijacked!
Right! 'cause I dont read Roland threads. I might be naive; but I believed that the discussions were to stick to the thread subject (or rather close connected); and not anything else. IMO we would all benefit if we all try to keep the discussion on the thread subject. And if we want to discuss a new subject then start a new thread with this subject. Just my opinion!!! Jørgen PS: Maybe I should read Rolands threads (and all other threads). As the thread subject apparantly is only a vague reflection of the thread content; I might find something interesting in ALL threads. ------------------ The Unofficial YAMAHA Keyboard Resource Site
#237263 - 08/03/08 03:59 AM
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#237266 - 08/03/08 09:44 AM
Registered: 04/25/05
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Originally posted by Jørgen Sørensen: As the thread subject apparantly is only a vague reflection of the thread content; I might find something interesting in ALL threads.
True that, Jørgen...  In fact, it's the main reason I read ALL the threads here (despite only using a Roland). If I want to hear and talk about nothing but Roland's, I go to Roland-Arranger.com. As you, no doubt, go to the Yamaha specific, high population fora. But when I want to talk and read about arrangers in GENERAL (see the connection?  ), I come here. As do most of us that feel that way. And let's face it, if the majority of the Yamaha owners here really WANTED nice tight topics, and no other opinion, viewpoints and discussion, well, they'd be at those other fora in the first place, wouldn't they?  So, let me get this straight... You want to come to a forum where Yamaha's are only a PART of the membership. And you'd like to talk about the T3. But you don't want ANY talk on a T3 thread from other viewpoints, other opinions, and comparisons to any other arranger? Best of luck, mate  The day that Yamaha owners don't feel welcome to comment on a Roland thread, or Ketron owners fell they are not welcome to interject opinion in a Korg thread, this place will be much the poorer for it... IMO 
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!