You've repeatedly criticized the G70 for it's weight. Either it matters or it doesn't, Donny

Like I said, I don't think (or hope!) the new G-series will be enough of a change from the G70 for it to interest you. If you didn't flip over the G70, you're not going to flip over any new one. Roland arrangers have ALWAYS sounded like Roland arrangers. Just as Yamaha's have always sounded pretty similar for quite a while, Korg, Ketron, etc..
And while features come and go, overall OS's and modes of operation don't change that much, either. Operating a G70 is pretty similar to fifteen year old OS's, and likewise for Yamaha. Things get added, things get deleted, but pretty much on the whole, they don't change that much, and even more so for Yamaha, IMO...
Sure, Roland could surprise us... they've done it before

Are they likely to? With the pretty lackluster lineup of WS's out at the moment... I don't think so. With nothing earth-shatteringly new in the WS division, where is anything groundbreaking going to come from? Thin air? Roland have always leveraged existing product's technology to drive their arrangers, from MT-32's and Sound Canvases, to FantomX's, TD-Drums, VK Organs and now Sonic Cells.
Without a next generation sound source, where is a next generation arranger (like the T2) going to come from?