have not known Andrea ( Dreamer ) for a long time but in the short time that some of us have got to know "Andrea", he does come across as a very humble man who is not out for accolades or praise...He has been really quiet here at CSS lately so I sent him an email out of concern...Here is his response.
"Hi Ron,
thank you for your concern and also your kind letter.
I am having indeed some health issues and in fact have spent the whole month of July in hospital; I hope to solve these problems, but to do this I have to undergo a complex surgical intervention, that should (hopefully) take place within the end of this year.
In the meanwhile, I will try to take part to the Forum activities as far as I can.
Once again, thank you for your letter, that really means a lot to me.
Your friend,
Andrea "
I think that our good friend, "Andrea", could use some support and and good will from all of us.