#240867 - 08/26/08 09:10 AM
Re: Big ol T3 photo
Senior Member
Registered: 10/08/00
Posts: 4715
Loc: West Virginia
Ian, perhaps the reason you are often met with hostility from some members is because even though this is the "general arranger" forum..., YOU like so many in the past have turned it into a PRO YAMAHA forum. In the past this forum had a serious bias for Yamaha keyboards and there were quite a few complaints about that.
That's great you support Yamaha.., but YOU often (trying to keep it not so obvious) snub any keboard mentioned here that's not Yamaha, and you do the same thing to members as well.
If you like Yamaha.., that's great. Keep enjoying their products, but stop with the smart ass comments. You say you won't fall into being baited yet you do the same damn thing to try and bait someone else with a smart ass remark.
On the topic of the pic. WOW those slider have a very short throw on them! I still don't understand why they keep making the darn shell so big though. The Tyros started with a floppy (which we often joked about as a cup holder too), but with the Tyros 3.., why in the hell are they still wasting all that space around the USB jack? They could easily shave off an extra inch or two-AND make the board lighter, which Im sure will please many.
[This message has been edited by squeak_D (edited 08-26-2008).]
GEAR: Yamaha MOXF-6, Casio MZX-500, Roland Juno-Di, M-Audio Venom, Roland RS-70, Yamaha PSR S700, M-Audio Axiom Pro-61 (Midi Controller). SOFTWARE: Mixcraft-7, PowerTracks Pro Audio 2013, Beat Thang Virtual, Dimension Le.
#240868 - 08/26/08 09:14 AM
Re: Big ol T3 photo
Senior Member
Registered: 09/21/00
Posts: 43703
Post from YPKO forum ......."returned to the MIAC Show today for a second look at the T3. This time I had a better Digital Camera. I am posting 7 photos….first 3 in this Post (max of 1500kb per post I understand) and the last 4 in a followup post(s) Unfortunately, today was even noisier than yesterday so it was still difficult to fully evaluate the Sound quality even with headphones on. The built-in Demo in the T3 has a Comparison of some T2 vs T3 sounds….Piano, Organ and a few more. In general the T3 sounds seem to be more dynamic and even more realistic as far as I could tell (given the surrounding noise). The improved DSP is supposed to enhance (fuller sounding) even the sounds/voices which have not been changed. The Demos sound very good but I suspect they have been heavily edited using Sequencing software…don’t think most players will be able to reproduce those results playing the T3 live. However the two new SA2 buttons should be a great help for expressive playing and Yamaha’s demonstrator Blake used them in a nice demo of the SA2 Breathy Sax despite the fact that he had not had much time to practice with the T3….I can’t wait to hear demos from people like Michel Vonken in Europe! The SA2 voices were available for Sax , Clarinet, Irish Pipe and Harmonica and they all sounded great. Some of the Piano, Organ, Guitar, Flute and Drum sounds are new/improved.. but they are not listed as SA2 voices. However they still sound very good. Re The Styles from the T2….they seem to be all there. Some(most?) of them are supposed to have been tweaked/improved a bit but I could not tell with all the surrounding noise. The on/off Power button is now on the rear panel. Re Prices…..www.zzounds.com is advertising the T3 in the US for $3900USD …they state that the List price is $4,900 USD For those who don’t already have a T2, getting a T3 for about the same price as a T2 I think is a pretty good deal….more features and improved quality for the same price(at least in North America). For those already owning a T2 and thinking of upgrading, I guess it comes down to factors such as: -Price of T3 vs T2 in your country -How much can you get for a Trade-in of your T2 -What’s your perceived value of the new features and improvements ( 80Gb HD, new improved screen, sliders, USB2, LAN port, rounded shape, SA2 , new styles, new voices etc) For many people it will come down to whether they feel the T3 sounds and plays much better than the T2 (which I feel is still a very good sounding keyboard). Because of the surrounding noise problem I am sorry I cannot yet give a confident opinion of how much better the T3 sounds over the T2. You all will soon have your chance to try the T3 (hopefully in quieter surroundings) and make up your minds. Finally some comforting comments. The production model T3 never crashed or hung up while I was there. Everything seemed to work well and hopefully this augers well for the reliability of the T3. My only complaint was the “non-intuitive” way the sliders worked sometimes when changing numerical level values (see comments in my first post). Might be faster to just use the Up/Down buttons like you already do with the T2. However for controlling the Drawbars, the sliders were reliable and worked quite well. Hope you find this Update and pics useful." Allan http://www.yamahapkowner.com/forum/index.php?topic=15125.0 [This message has been edited by Dnj (edited 08-26-2008).]
#240869 - 08/26/08 09:17 AM
Re: Big ol T3 photo
Senior Member
Registered: 07/27/05
Posts: 10606
Loc: Cape Breton Island, Canada
Originally posted by squeak_D: Ian, perhaps the reason you are often met with hostility from some members is because even though this is the "general arranger" forum..., Great analysis Squeak...perhaps Ensnoreyou should be visiting you for help? I don't bash other instruments, except perhaps in jest...read my posts...I do, however, value Yamaha above other manufacturers and will continue to do so as long as they make the best. Just be glad for me that I have found the Holy Grail...I'm sure you will someday...all the best of luck to you. Ian
Yamaha Tyros4, Yamaha MS-60S Powered Monitors(2), Yamaha CS-01, Yamaha TQ-5, Yamaha PSR-S775.
#240872 - 08/26/08 09:30 AM
Re: Big ol T3 photo
Senior Member
Registered: 10/08/00
Posts: 4715
Loc: West Virginia
Ian.., I rest my case with your last post. That says it all about your ignorance. I've already seen the light my friend. You're a one brand junky, and that's fine.
However MANY of us out there are not dedicated to ONE brand, yet you act like an asshole to anyone who doesn't use Yamaha. I could care less what name is on the board. As long as it does what I need. It could say Yamaha (Which I do happen to own.. Motif ES-6..,which also happens to make your S-900 look like a cheap Casio in terms of synth power, and song creation, but I fear something like the ES is probably too indepth for ya), it could say Roland, Korg,... hell the darn thing cold even say AVON and I wouldn't care.. As long as it did what I needed.
People on this forum want to talk about all the makers Ian. You want to tote your Yamaha Hitler mentallity..., well last time I checked there was a dedicated Yamaha arranger forum for that. However.., here WE like to talk about them all, and you constantly making smart ass remarks, baiting other members, and acting like Yamaha is the only maker out there just IMO makes you look like an ass. You're even a jerk to people who DO own a Yamaha.
GEAR: Yamaha MOXF-6, Casio MZX-500, Roland Juno-Di, M-Audio Venom, Roland RS-70, Yamaha PSR S700, M-Audio Axiom Pro-61 (Midi Controller). SOFTWARE: Mixcraft-7, PowerTracks Pro Audio 2013, Beat Thang Virtual, Dimension Le.