Originally posted by Ensnareyou:
The Wersi does offer more than any other arranger or workstation I've owned or used, bar none. Of course you don't know that because without seeing one in person you can't understand all the possibilities it offers or its true sound.
Actually, no, I don't know it because none of you ever post anything that you've done. Bill keeps posting a hodgepodge of stuff that sounds great, but no explanation on how it's made (I can do the same stuff at the studio on the VSTi's without ponying $10k+, and need little of it live), or stuff that sounds SO BAD, it beggars the mind that it was done on the same instrument.
Hence the confusion. And, I'm sorry, but without more in the way of example, and more objectivity about design limitations (let's face it, if it WERE the perfect arranger, would you even HAVE all that other stuff listed on your Myspace page?), I can't honestly put any more stock in want you say than I can Ian... In fact less, because he HAS been critical at times, and he has sent me some examples of him on his S900, I am prepared to accept some of the things he says. He backs up his claim of objectivity...
But, here's the rub. You still fail to look at the situation from any other perspective than your own (something you apparently abhor in Ian). You say you HAVE played a G70, and have made up your mind based on that. But put the shoe on the other foot...
First of all, let's assume that you couldn't find a G70 within a thousand miles. And then, let's assume that you heard some simple style ONLY demos (no real playing to get in the way). Now, let's assume they sounded TERRIBLE. Time after time, after time. And only the odd decent thing, and it never came with info on whether it was done on a stock G70, or a G70 controlling a laptop or computer VSTi (which it sounds like).
Would you be willing to drive 1600 miles to come and play it, even if I (and anyone else, from here) were unwilling to post anything to convince you otherwise, only to INSIST that it cannot be judged the same way we judge everything else? You HAVE to come here, or you have no right to say that those demos were terrible, leading one to reasonably infer that the G70 IS terrible.
I'm sorry, but I honestly don't think so...
I have read all the literature, I am reasonably up on what the Wersi's capabilities are. I can read a manual as good as most, and better than some! And I am intimate with what can, and can't be done on a computer based VSTi host. But what I can't seem to get around is just how poor a LOT of the demos for the Wersi are. Forget about just how dated the styles are, or the playing, but just the SOUND and stiffness of the styles...
Either someone is deliberately muddying up the water by posting the worst stuff he can find, or some explanation of this is due, before it is reasonable to ask anyone to just blithely take you on your word, and ignore the evidence in our ears...
Anyway, like I said, were you in the IDENTICAL position that the rest of us find ourselves, I believe you would be much closer to our position. I know it's not your job to sell me on the Wersi. But it's also not your job to tell me I'm wrong to judge lousy demos on their face value if you can't prove otherwise. You would expect me to back up my words if they were totally contrary to your experience (listening IS an experience) and I was so adamant that it was YOU that knew nothing.
What about your Myspace music? What of that was done on the Wersi? Surely SOMETHING? I liked it very much, BTW. Had a great eighties vibe...
Back to the Wersi.... Why not a generic PCI Lightpipe card for it? It's computer based. Plenty of cards with 24 or more digital outputs for breakout purposes. A $10k+ keyboard should offer this, one would have thought...