Another email . . .
Hi everyone
A while ago list members were asking questions about a
certain problem regarding the XP-80's timing (I think
that the same problem can be encountered in most XP
and JV synthesizers). Most of the answers sent by other
list members didn't work for me, so I've continued looking
for a working solution.
The problem is that notes are delayed and the whole sequence
sounds out of sync. This happens even with the most simple
sequences. Thining out the data or moving CC# commands
from the first tick of a beat didn't work for me. Besides,
I live in an area where it's next to impossible to find a
Roland dealer (whom I could ask to replace the ROM).
I'm not claiming that this will work for everyone as it does
for me, but here it is anyway:
All I had to do was to turn all "Rx receive program change"
parameters to OFF (in Performance mode). I had to do this
for each part of a performance separately, but in the end
it worked - no more "dragging" or delayed notes. Sure, the
XP-80 won't be capable of receiving any PC or bank select
MSB and LSB commands after turning the "Rx receive..." off,
but at least it sounds fine now.
"Rx receive program change" can be accessed in the MIDI
menu in performance mode. Even if you turn it off, you can
still use the 16 parts of a performance and assign patches
to the parts - you only won't be capable to send program
and bank changes from the internal or external sequencer.
This may sound like an esotheric solution, but it really works
(well, at least it works for me).
I find it hard to believe that a few program and bank changes
are messing up the bandwith, but it looks as if they do. After
doing so, I applied lots of pitchbend, cutoff, resonance and
modulation to a couple of sequences, and everything sounded
perfectly normal.
I hope that this will help other people too. If it doesn't - I'm
sorry, I thought that I should inform you anyway.