quote:Originally posted by travlin'easy:
"Well sports fans, if you don't like the drum sounds, you can always tune them until they sound the way you think they should sound. It's not neurosurgery, but you will have to take the instruction manual out of the zip-loc bag, open it up, then read the section on tuning styles. You can make those drums as hot or soft as you like--it's easy."
>> The question is not making them as hot or soft as you want, it's making the "preset" Drum Kits as "realistic sounding as possible" to a real Drum Set Gary.

When your starting point is one of excellence i.e. great sounding preset Drum Kits (which is Yamaha's obligation by the way) tweaking them is then only a matter of one's preference, instead of having lousy presets to begin with and spending hours trying to improve them by tweaking the snot out of them.

And which in most cases will still never be to an acceptable level because what you had to work with was sub-par to begin with.

"As for real, live drums, the ones where the guy sitting on the drum throne is slamming those sticks as hard as he can on everything within reach--NAH, I don't want any part of that in my performances ever again. Been there, done that, got the Tee-shirt, and hat and lost some of my hearing in the process."
>> Banging the Drums as loud as you can in no way translates into the quality of the Drum sounds themselves Gary.

C'mon Gar, be real now. What does banging the Drums loudly have ANYTHING to do with quality.

We're trying to stress "quality" of sound here not someone banging the keys or turning the volume way up okay?

"As earlier stated, I'll reserve my judgment on the T3 when I get to play one. Anything else is akin to judging a book by it's cover--it can't be done!"
>> True, one shouldn't judge a book 'only' by its cover. But that is not the case we're up against regarding the T3 because we have actually already "heard" sound bytes from the T3 Drum Kits which in reality 'already' "reveals" something of the T3's true nature and substance regarding the quality of the T3 Drum kits. Which is akin to reading material 'inside' the cover of a book and not just observing the cover of that book from a distance or from what you've heard second hand or in print. In other words, judging a book by its cover - would be like Yamaha listing the specs of the T3 and saying it has all new Drum Kits but never posting anything to demonstrate or prove it. But of course they HAVE posted demos of the "all new" Drum Kits which essentially negates the "I don't want to judge a book by its cover" analogy. You're hearing professionally produced demos by Yamaha demonstrating the "all new" Drum Kits with your own ears Gary. You have much more than just a cover to make at least a subjective determination in my opinion. Even if they are in .mp3 format.

What I hear from the T3 demos is 'very' similar in sound to the T2 and immediately conveys to me the basic nature of how they will sound in person. I would like to hear the T3 in person of course, to make a 'final' determinatation of the quality. But from what Yamaha has already posted I really seriously doubt they will sound remarkably better in person than what has already been posted in these demos.
To the true professional who wants true professional results in his or her sounds, it seems to me that the T3 will once again disappoint and not pass muster in their eyes, at least regarding the Drums anyway.

As I've already stated though, the majority of prospective T3 owners (who mostly tend to be European home hobbyists who play for their own personal pleasure) the T3 drums will most likely suffice them, plus also others who have less discriminating sound ideals as well. But to gigging musicians playing before discriminating audiences who know the difference between what sounds real, and what sounds artificial or fake; I think you will find most, if not all of them, searching for greener pastures and bypassing the T3 altogether, in my opinion. Besides, the 61 key limitation thingy.
[This message has been edited by keybplayer (edited 09-09-2008).]