Originally posted by Kingfrog:
"You must consider the separate division this keybard is in within Yamaha......the HOME KEYBOARD Division."
>> So why does the Home Keyboard Division give the Tyros3 SA2 voices which the PRO keyboard division doesn't even have in any of their keyboards yet?

Sure, the next version that replaces the Motif series WILL get the SA2 voices too. But I consider that a trickle down effect from the Home Keyboard division to the PRO Division, not the other way around.

Let's face it Kingfrog, if someone is willing to shell out $4,500 for a Home Keyboard with 61 keys, why shouldn't they expect the Drum Kits to be up to snuff to at least the Yamaha PRO division's $3,500 Motif XS8 88 key workstation?

Something is not formulating correctly to my mathematical way of thinking... Correct me if I'm wrong, but shouldn't one get comparable or better sounds (think T3 Drums) if one pays "more" for a keyboard product (think T3) - regardless of whether it's made in the Home Keyboard Division or on the Planet Mars or Pluto for that matter..

Yamaha is putting up a "rude awakening" sign saying: "Buy Me, Buy Me.. i.e. the T3 - You will be getting less with the T3 than our PRO Division Boards which in some instances cost thousands less, but no matter, Buy Me Buy Me - anyway!

Huh?? But people seem to be willing to follow the Pied Piper i.e. Yamaha off a cliff if necessary, even if it's to their own detriment.

Oh well, such is life in the land of Yamaha loyalists I reckon.

"You won't see a Tyros on stage with any major act. They use the Motif from another division."
>> So far that is the case Kingfrog. There are actual PRO's using the Tyros series (mostly the T1). Maybe one of the reasons you don't see a PRO using a T1/2/3 on Stage is they don't want to embarrass themselves with the Tyros' lackluster and compressed sounding Drum Kits perhaps?

I'm not talking about playing with the auto-accompaniment ON, I'm talking about having access to great sounding Drum and Percussion Kits that would be triggered manually with the keys, just like they do with the Motif XS on Stage. Or having them available to use with custom Sequences, just like they do with the Motif XS on Stage as well.

"These are marketed to those who cannot afford a Clavinova or want a Clavinova in a portable."
>> Okay...

But the Clavinova is also lacking in quality Drum Kits by the fact that you're correlating and equating the T3 to a Clavinova. [img]
http://www.synthzone.com/ubbs/wink.gif[/img] So the Clavinova also has lackluster Drum Kits too apparently right? [img]
"Arrangers are simple not considered Professional use keyboards. Those who use them in that manner are in the minority and carry little weight with Yamaha. Now the Motif owners complaining about something WILL get a lot of attention."
I see... if you pay less for a keyboard (think Motif XS) you'll actually get Yamaha to listen to you then eh? [img]
First of all Kingfrog, anybody that plays an arranger such as a T3, Korg Pa2XPRO, G-70/E-80 etc., on Stage - will most likely NEVER use the auto-accompaniment features when playing in the context of a 'Band' with other Band members. Again, I think the reason why no Big Name artists use an Arranger on Stage like the T3, etc. is #1: There is a stigma attached to arrangers (toys for children mentality) that will take some time to overcome and get rid of - before Big Names get comfortable on a Stage before hundreds or thousands of people with the likes of a T3, etc. >> In the case of T3, who would want to showcase the T3 Drum Kits before hundreds or thousands of people anyway with them being what they are and all? [img]
http://www.synthzone.com/ubbs/confused.gif[/img] And #2: Once again we're talking sounds. The sounds in many cases are still lacking when comparing them to the lesser expensive PRO workstation keyboards on the market. [img]
http://www.synthzone.com/ubbs/biggrin.gif[/img] Case in point >> Drum Kits on the T3 for one. [img]
http://www.synthzone.com/ubbs/wink.gif[/img] Or at least I suspect that they're inferior after listening to the online Demos from Yamaha.
The Gap is narrowing though for sure, and in some cases, like the Pa2XPRO with it's 76 keys and exellent to even superb sounds, there really is no gap at all in my opinion. And maybe the ONLY thing that will still lack on the T3 regarding the sounds will be the Drum Kits, who knows?? Although as far as features go the T3 has some catching up to do e.g. 76 keys, Real Sampler, Micro Editing of the sounds and styles, REAL Harmonizer.., etc. [img]
"IF the Motif sounds better, buy one and a laptop with Band in the Box...."
Again, the idea is to have an all in one, all included solutuion - "NOT" two or more pieces of equipment that, apart from each other, are incomplete and/or inadequate.
And to have that "All In One" solution in an Arranger form factor. [img]
http://www.synthzone.com/ubbs/cool.gif[/img] That is the goal anyway. Korg seems to have already arrived with the Pa2XPRO and Roland WILL have arrived with its next 76 key PRO Arranger I'm guessing. Yamaha?? They need to take a few more laps around the track as punishment for not listening long ago to consumer's requests regarding their supposed PRO Arrangers. [img]
http://www.synthzone.com/ubbs/frown.gif[/img] And then make the necessary and needed corrections on their next totl model coming down the pipe in 3 or so years.
[This message has been edited by keybplayer (edited 09-15-2008).]