Originally posted by Ensnareyou:
SA is nothing more than a hyped up name for multi-samples and real time controls to switch between and articulate them
Sorry, guys, but multi-velocity splits predates SA voices.
The thing that everyone forgets about (and which some of the old über-expensive things like the Fairlight and Synclavier could NOT do) are rules based INTERVALIC changes and control of different sample layers depending on legato or staccato performance.
Make an octave leap or more, get one set of samples. Make a third, get another. Play a note legato from the previous, get one set of samples (not just a monophonic version of the detached sample), play a detached line, get another. Play a polyphonic sound, and only get the release sample if you lift off ALL your fingers.
CONDITIONAL sample layers are a step beyond simple velocity splits, and don't require button or footpedal gymnastics to achieve (unlike most of the WS or VSTi versions). When it is done well, you simply play normally, and the underlying engine analyzes HOW you are playing, and does the sample selection for you.
That, at least to me, is pretty groundbreaking in a hardware keyboard

[This message has been edited by Diki (edited 09-12-2008).]