#242804 - 09/17/08 08:19 AM
Website Discontinued...
Senior Member
Registered: 12/08/02
Posts: 15576
Loc: Forest Hill, MD USA
As of June 30 my ISP decided to get out of the business. My ISP provided free space for my Website, which has been there for the past five years. The site remained in place on their free space until about a week ago, when it was removed from their system. It is no longer available.
While there are lots of forum members who say their website is a valuable asset, this has never been the case for me. Of the thousands of hit on my site, the vast majority have been from members of various forums that I frequent. In five years I have never booked a single job directly from the site--not one. This, despite the fact that I had the site address imprinted on every piece of advertising literature I sent out during the same time frame.
In November my .com will expire and will not be renewed. I guess it was neat and a bit of an ego trip having my own .com for five years, and some members may feel it makes them seem more professional. However, I think the money can be better spent in other promotional areas.
For those that had my old email address, they can still reach me at gary_diamond@hotmail.com
Good Luck,
PSR-S950, TC Helicon Harmony-M, Digitech VR, Samson Q7, Sennheiser E855, Custom Console, and lots of other silly stuff!
K+E=W (Knowledge Plus Experience = Wisdom.)
#242813 - 09/17/08 03:13 PM
Re: Website Discontinued...
Senior Member
Registered: 12/08/02
Posts: 15576
Loc: Forest Hill, MD USA
My wife convinced me, this afternoon, to keep the domain name, which only costs me about $40 a year--not a big deal.
As for the effectiveness, I spent lots of time registering and re-registering with the various search engines, putting in keywords, doing all the things that gets loads of hits. Thousands upon thousands of hit over the time I had the site, which I revised several times, has resulted in not a single job.
As for an online business card, I would much rather present my business card to my clients in person--I know this works. When I'm one on one with a client, 99.9 percent of the time I get the job. Now that's a damned good batting average sports fans.
I'm to the point now where I'm trying very hard to cut down on the number of jobs I book. Beginning in 2009 I will no longer book doubles and triples--I'm too damned old and don't need the money. One job a day is more than enough. Additionally, I'm trying to cut back to 3 to 4 jobs a week. This will allow me more time for sailing, playing with the grandson, and just plain enjoying what little life I have remaining in this rapidly aging body. The way I look at it, there comes a time when you just gotta' smell the roses.
I really do appreciate all the offers for help in reconstructing my website, but at this point in time I'm going to allow it to go away. As I said, I'll keep the domain name for a while, mainly to keep my loving spouse happy.
Thanks again everyone,
PSR-S950, TC Helicon Harmony-M, Digitech VR, Samson Q7, Sennheiser E855, Custom Console, and lots of other silly stuff!
K+E=W (Knowledge Plus Experience = Wisdom.)
#242822 - 09/18/08 09:30 AM
Re: Website Discontinued...
Senior Member
Registered: 01/02/04
Posts: 7305
Loc: Lexington, Ky, USA
I'm one to talk, because I don't have a site, a P/R package, photo...no promotional materials at all, and I'm in the P/R business. Go figure.
That said, I do P/R for many large organizatins, and with a site, brochure...whatever, today, you've got to cut through the clutter. Your materials need to reflect your professionalism. That means:
1. No "deer in the headlights" photos shot with an on-camera strobe, causing shadows. Care must be created to angle the image so it leads the reader to vital copy areas. Make sure whoever shoots the photo(s) knows how to create images with the appropriate depth of field. No fig leaf poses...EVER!You're a pro, so it is probably appropriate to hire a pro to do the photography.
2. No punctuation, spelling or structure errors. Take a quick look at some random sites created by individuals and you'll often find lots of the above.
3. Use bold sub-heads to break-up the copy and lead the reader from topic to topic.
4. Make sure that the final output copy is at least 12 points in size (to the extent you can control this).
5. Make sure that copy width is no longer that 25 picas (again-from the design standpoint).
6. Write copy in a "T" form. You need to be able to drop all but the first paragraph, and that paragraph needs to be usable as a cutline below a photo to stand alone.
7. Remember, a site is part of a promotion category called "maintenance". You'll never know the total benefit (or damage from a bad site, for that matter). As I've said before, it's like peeing in a dark pair of pants...you don't see anything, you just get this nice warm feeling.
8. Make sure the illustrations you use lead the viewer to the copy. Most often, the lead illustration needs to be on the left side and "right reading".
9. Navigation must be logical and easy.
10. You need to grab the viewer and tell the essence of your story in 15 seconds or less. Just think of the length of time you spend on looking at a site the first time. If you're not "grabbed" in the first few seconds, you move on.
A site is primarily a visual medium, and the visuals need to be dramatic.
The perception is, design is the primary task, but the best design in the world will not negate the effect of sub-par content.
Sorry for the rant. This is what I teach (Communication processes) and what I do for a living. It's easy for me to climb that soapbox.