Sometimes I just have to slow down, take a breath, and start thinking whether what I post has any connection to REALITY. I honestly think that some of you need to do the same...
THEORETICALLY, the sky is the limit with an MS
THEORETICALLY, you can perform music in a way no-one has ever heard before
THEORETICALLY, you could make an entire chart topping album on it
BUT.... I'm simply looking for the PRACTICE of all this.
As I said (thanks, hellboy, for actually READING my post
) M3's, MotifXS's etc., are being used on chart toppers as we speak. Apparently, the guys using them don't seem to have any kind of a problem with certain limitations on their keyboard. No-one is giving up on the piano just because it only has ONE sound! In all fairness, in the studio, most modern production facilities aren't really interested in having all their computer based production tools ported very expensively to a hardware unit. You make records in the studio, you make MUSIC onstage. I'm sorry, but I'll take my FantomX-based G70 piano sound onstage without the slightest feeling of needing some VSTi... it's THAT good
(I've used Ivory and some older libraries, the G70 is easily as good, IMO).
Fact is, if I thought I REALLY needed all those VSTi's onstage, I'd already have an MS or a Receptor. But the fact is, what these modern arrangers and WS's can do is MORE than adequate for any live show. They ARE what the pros use (look at any major tour... odds are there's a Motif, Nord, Fantom, something like that in the hands of the guys we look up to, not some MS).
Even THOSE guys are primarily interested in PLAYING, not programming. Give me something that all the meat and potatoes are dead on, sufficient synth power to do most of what you need, and great rhythms and loops are included (so you don't HAVE to roll your own on even the most basic of demos) and turn me loose onstage... I'll be gigging while you are still locked in your basement, trying to put together enough stuff to go out and do a few tunes!
Look, I've had a K2500 with all the options for over ten years. It is STILL one of the most powerful, deep, extensively customizable keyboards in the world. But I don't GIG with it. It is overkill, and takes forever to program. Live, onstage, with an audience in front of me, I can do most of what the K2500 can do, with a FRACTION of the work, with my G70.
In the studio, I can do everything the MS does with software and hardware combinations.
I truly believe they are different mindsets, different paradigms, and need different equipment. I don't WANT to drag everything that I use in the studio on a stage with me, even if it all IS bundles up neatly in one keyboard. I want something that can get 'close enough' that takes seconds to program, not weeks. I ain't GOT weeks!