Originally posted by Burkels:
I play Guitar Mode live. And I use it in styles. So I guess they're no idiots after all 
You can't use Guitar Mode in a style... Period.
You CAN take it's output, and use it to make a style FROM, but as soon as it is in the style, it loses all the things that make it so good... correctly voiced guitar chords on ANY chord, and the ability to change neck positions as you go up the keyboard's chord recognition area.
There's a huge difference between the output in Guitar Mode and in Style Mode...
I already said you CAN use it live, but what's the point?

Do you really like taking BOTH hands away from playing, just to get an accompaniment strumming pattern on an acoustic guitar? It doesn't do lead guitar, and, I'm sorry, but most of us at least prefer the guitar to accompany what we DO want to play, not tie ourselves up simply trying to play that accompaniment.
I find it counterintuitive to play, and a PITA to use, and it still comes SO close to being useful, but stumbles at the doorstep... If only the triggering notes could be recorded into a style, so you don't have to play them, just finger the chord (as you already ARE doing), wouldn't that be MUCH better?
But it would involve Roland giving us more than one drum track (so the trigger notes don't get transposed) which is something they have adamantly refused to do after decades of users crying out for the feature (that most other arrangers already have)