Thanks for giving those of us here with no 'couth' a second chance, Class Act.
Now, perhaps some of us have an opportunity to behave as well as you are named...
And to the general membership here...
Look, guys (because that's primarily who it is), do you want to spend the rest of your days endlessly repeating the same claptrap amongst yourselves, or would you like some fresh ideas, opinions and diversity around here? The way you treat newcomers will determine that...
This is not the Tyros clubhouse. If you want to exist in a world of unremitting back-slapping and self-congratulation, well, even if you don't want to leave SZ altogether, there's a Yamaha Arranger forum here, where you can go and pretend the rest of the world doesn't exist

Otherwise, show the respect to others that you would like shown to you... And DON'T confuse lack of respect for your particular arranger as lack of respect for YOU. Personally, I don't think the choice of arranger you pick even DESERVES any respect...
It's what you PLAY on it that should get that....
Ah, but that would involve some of you actually POSTING your music, rather than your vitriolic opinions. The latter seems altogether easier, doesn't it