#245798 - 10/25/08 11:23 AM
Re: Disappointment with Tyros3
Senior Member
Registered: 03/24/08
Posts: 1099
Loc: Myrtle beach SC
I may be a 53 year old fart, But I am not frustrated in the least. And I certainly am not out to impress you. I usually look UP to people I'd like to impress. I traveled the US world performing (albeit as someone else)for many many years in various sizes of venues from 100,000 plus at Daytona Speedway to small Amphitheaters in Utah,Showrooms in Vegas ,AC, Sheveport, Theaters in Branson and countless conventions, all the ay to Diego Garcia and back. I worked with hundreds of the best musicians (who probably wanted more out of life than backing impersonator shows) but that was my fate. "Tribute artist" (to polish a turd)...... I accepted it. It paid for my home and more, I met my wife along the way I sold some of my own music. Never became a star. I played a C-3 in cover bands as a teen an in College. Didn't care for it. Found my "calling" through Karaoke in the mid eighties in San Diego which led to bigger things and along the way my "playing" got "better" upon the release of Cakewalk I and sequencer city. Songwriting has always been my first love for passing time. It's my "golf", my "video game", my "fishing", my pleasure, I have no illusions about my songs, Its all about the journey always has been. THAT'S why I'm not frustrated. I'm still on the journey even now as I sell musical instruments to hose with big dreams. I love it. I am not bitter. My wife humbles my playing everyday and her ability to still play for the few who would actually listen at different times in noisy bar crowds is something I respect and find amazingly humble. She has all the preschool formal training and more, has played music her whole life for her supper and there is not a shred of bitterness in her either. She has played in hair band in the 80's, major production shows, and now small clubs as a single. It's all the same to her. Its a shame you are so bitter and needy with all those skills and blustery(conviction?). So DIKI.......If you really "need" to "take off the gloves" to feel better, go right ahead. I can take a punch. I will assure you though I have taken much harder punches for a far longer time as an impersonator of Neil Diamond then a single frustrated musician can deal out on an Internet forum. Believe it. Release the dogs Nigel... [This message has been edited by Kingfrog (edited 10-25-2008).]
Yamaha Tyros 4 Yamaha Motif XS8 Roland RD700 Casio PX-330 Martin DC Aura Breedlove ATlas Solo Bose MOD II PA
#245799 - 10/25/08 05:38 PM
Re: Disappointment with Tyros3
Registered: 02/03/02
Posts: 347
Loc: Sheffield Yorkshire England
As a member who rarely posts but who comes on SZ and reads all the posts every day, I find it hard to believe that so much controversy arises simply because one person decides they don't like the Tyros3.
I thought the idea of SZ was to enable keyboard lovers to share their thoughts, likes and dislikes, offer help and advice and to discuss, like grown adults, the various merits / drawbacks of the instruments we use or may intend to purchase, or the way we use them and the relative ease with which we can perform with them.
I am man enough to take any flack which heads my way but still don't go out of my way to offend any other member - this would seem to be the opposite of the sites aims but unfortunately, we do seem have some spoilt children with oversized ego's among us. There also seems to be an unspoken belief that a new members opinion counts for far less than that of long time members - Not so. The size of the venue or crowd that one plays to is also irrelevant and doesn't excuse insulting people for having a view contrary to your own. We are not on a stage with the big stars but participating in a forum where the opinion of each one of us is just as valid as all the others.
I am not here to decry Tyros3 or any other keyboard because I know, and so should all the other poster's that we are still a long way from a board which ticks all the boxes. As they all leave something to be desired, there should be no reason to object to a post where someone says that I don't like Brand X model Y.
I play the Technics KN7000 and a Solton MS40 module and, due to Technics sad demise, I need to move on to a new brand and, with the ready cash burning a hole in my pocket, I was looking forward to the Tyros3 which I judged, would be the nearest thing to the perfect board. Although it has SOME good sounds and features, Yamaha have missed the chance to surge way in front of all the other makers and many people ARE disappointed. The pitiful amount of User Memory is one big drawback, with the Music Finder's lack of features found in Korg's Song Book being another. Style creation and editing is a long way behind Roland’s and not a patch on my old Technics. Tyros3 does sound nice, especially organs (and so it should at the price), but not the leap forward I expected. Many people are disappointed with the new piano voice and it would seem that the board needs some user tweaking sound wise, when it should sound good out of the box. As for all the references to the online demo's - so it should sound good (and so does every other board) with the worlds leading players on the keys.
I also like Roland’s but top of range G70 & E80 are both too big and heavy - getting a bit long in the tooth too - and there is no news of a new board from them.
Korg’s demo's sound good too but fills seem problematic and there are not enough styles around for them - I use song specific or heavily tweaked styles so that no two songs use the same style. I don't live in the sticks but in the 5th or 6th largest city in England and yet, no dealers in my locality means Korg are as hard to audition and buy as Ketron, who also make good sounding boards - but where is the Audya and where are the dealers?
In short - Any chance that we can discuss keyboards / music instead of trading insults and childish arguments?
#245800 - 10/25/08 09:17 PM
Re: Disappointment with Tyros3
Senior Member
Registered: 12/08/02
Posts: 15578
Loc: Forest Hill, MD USA
When Class Act made the original post that she was disappointed with the Tyros3, she was, unfortunately, not specific about why she was disappointed with the keyboard. However, she clearly stated that she liked her PSR-8000 because of the complexity of the Tyros3 was a bit too much for her technical expertise--at least that's the way it read to ME!
So, instead of jumping in and trying to diagnose her problems and provide some solid technical assistance, the post was hijacked, twisted around, she was castigated by individuals that do not know anything about her and by the time the thread made it to the second page there were sparring matches popping up everywhere. This poor lady is probably thinking to herself "What in the hell did I get myself into?"
I don't know a damned thing about the Tyros3 other than what I've read on the various forums. If I did have some basic technical knowledge of the T3 I would have asked why that person was unhappy, and if there was anything that I could do to help. I can also say that 99 percent of the owners are more than happy with their purchase.
On some of the other forums there have been numerous posts of how to set the keyboard's EQ and compression settings to get the most out of the sounds, plus lots of other useful tips. On the Synthzone, especially during the past year, help from all but a few forum members is nearly non-existent. Instead, bitch and gripe sessions seem to take over threads containing the most basic questions.
IMO, which I realize does not count for a lot lately, NO ONE has the God given right to be rude or inconsiderate to anyone--whether it's on an Internet forum, over the telephone, or face to face. Yes, we all have the right to express our opinions, but civilized people usually do this in a civil manner. If you do not have the ability to communicate with some degree of civility with other forum members, what happens when you meet someone in person? Are you rude and arrogant toward family members, people you meet on the street, individuals that attend your performances?
Simon, this post got out of hand two pages ago, and I sincerely hope you will delete the entire thread ASAP. Additionally, I would hope you would reprimand the few individuals that have obviously stepped over the fine line of civility.
PSR-S950, TC Helicon Harmony-M, Digitech VR, Samson Q7, Sennheiser E855, Custom Console, and lots of other silly stuff!
K+E=W (Knowledge Plus Experience = Wisdom.)