Sorry, studio work today tied me up... (and yes, I did it on my G70 with a bit of the old K2500

'So, what's not to like about the G70'...
Don't get me started! If you want to read in detail how I think, the New Features forum at is a good place to start; A couple of things drive me CRAZY! Tops, right now, is that if you change from Pianostyle chord recognition type, to any other type (or from any type to any other type), all the ACC parts cut out! I tend to like triggering in Pianostyle for comping and singing, just play the piano like normal, then use an OTS or the screen to change to Split mode and Standard chord type for RH solos. You have to be VERY precise to do this at bar boundaries, otherwise the ACC cutoff is very noticeable.
And the decision, probably because of circuit board limitations, to have the reverb send pre-Leslie for the Hammond section is just plain dumb. There goes Whiter Shade of Pale!

You CAN get a post-Leslie reverb send if you use a regular organ Tone, and put it through the MFX VK Leslie, but, just as I pointed out on the GW-8 review, most of the organ Tones already have some sort of slow Leslie or cho/vib sampled into them, which buggers up the sound if you bang it through the Lesli sim.
Weight... well, I'm only 52, and know how to use a dolly

My line of work doesn't accept compromise in the sound, just to shave a few pounds (six or seven compared to most 76-ers). Heck, my flightcase probably weighs more than an S900! Could I go out and gig live with something lighter? Of course I could. I could gig with a Casio if need be. But need doesn't be

However, none of this adds up to a hill of beans, when you take the whole thing as a package. The overall sound, the 'live-ness' of it, and the piano to die for coupled with an action that makes the most of it, makes it still my first choice.
BUT.... and I think this point is critical, guys and girls. Just because I think, for me personally, that this is the best possible solution, you will notice I am STILL very vocal in my criticism of areas that could be improved. It is one of the things that drive me crazy, around here..! There are altogether way to many of you unable to accept criticism of your own arrangers from someone else, let alone able to show the honesty and willingness to talk about flaws, bugs and improvable features that I KNOW you have.
Trust me, were I to own a T3/PA2Xpro/Ketron/Wersi, you name it, I guarantee I could fill up a forum just as easily as I have the Roland one with things that COULD work better... I have never shirked away from discussing them here openly and candidly. I wish this were more common. All of us deserve to hear the good along with the bad about ALL arrangers (it one of the things this forum is here for), to better help us decide what suits us best before we go out and 'buy to try', now that few places even stock these TOTL arrangers any more. That nearly $500 restocking fee that Class Act had to eat is a wakeup call to us ALL.
Let's spend less time 'defending' our arranger, and more time 'discussing' it...