#246918 - 11/03/08 07:19 PM
Re: Michael Voncken on the Tyros 3
Registered: 04/25/05
Posts: 14363
Loc: NW Florida
Originally posted by leeboy: "HELLO??!! Is it true after all? Do Americans REALLY think that their country's borders mark the end of the Western World??? Are you really that ignorant?"
We may make mistakes like everyone else...BUT WE ARE FAR FROM IGNORANT!
I don't think you'll find many Europeans that think that the US is in the Far East...  You keep slashing education budgets long enough, to fund the 'Bush Doctrine' and tax cuts for the wealthiest 10%, and sooner or later, yes, this IS about how well educated the average American is...  Heck, 27% of Texans, after hearing how Obama sat in a pew in a Christian church in Chicago for the last nearly 30 years, STILL think he is a Muslim  Mind you, those same people probably think John McCain is a Christian, despite never going to church, much! People will believe whatever they want to, facts or not... (mostly not!). Heck, they are trying to get Creationism taught in American Schools... I guess that will come straight after the Alchemy class and Magic 101  Hogwarts... coming to a high school near YOU, soon! In Harry Potter We Trust 
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!
#246920 - 11/03/08 10:37 PM
Re: Michael Voncken on the Tyros 3
Senior Member
Registered: 02/23/01
Posts: 3849
Loc: Rome - Italy
Originally posted by Diki: You keep slashing education budgets long enough, to fund the 'Bush Doctrine' and tax cuts for the wealthiest 10%, and sooner or later, yes, this IS about how well educated the average American is... 
Diki and others, this is a clear example of why things are so bad on this Forum. Someone starts a thread (right or wrong, dumb or clever) and then, all of a sudden, another forumite springs up with a remark like this one (totally off topic), that clearly evokes a reaction from another forumite and... bang! Another thread gone awry and another fine mess... Is this how we want Synthzone to be? Why isn't politics banned from this Forum? Why isn't it reserved to places like the Bar? What's the point of discussing politics on a Forum devoted to music? Are Diki or Kingfrog hoping to convert anyone when they go on with their endless tirades about Bush or Obama? I don't think so: we are all grown adults and nobody is going to change his/her wiews because someone posts something on Synthzone. No, to me posts like this one are more like a knee jerk reaction, something done without much thinking, with the only purpose of venting (resentment, frustration or whatever). It's like someone has had something on the stomach for a long time and then thinks: "OK, let's go to Synthzone; the place is such a mess that nobody will notice if I spew out something" Think about it, you all. [This message has been edited by Dreamer (edited 11-03-2008).]
Korg Kronos 61 and PA3X-Pro76, Roland G-70, BK7-m and Integra 7, Casio PX-5S, Fender Stratocaster with Fralin pickups, Fender Stratocaster with Kinman pickups, vintage Gibson SG standard.
#246921 - 11/03/08 11:24 PM
Re: Michael Voncken on the Tyros 3
Registered: 04/25/05
Posts: 14363
Loc: NW Florida
Well, no-one wants to talk about MUSIC here... I figure pissing contests about politics, sports, cars, women, arrangers... what's the difference?  You reckon there is one, maybe two new arrangers a year..? Tops... You are REALLY going to talk the same old talk about the same old worn out topics for a whole year?  Look, guys, I try. I post threads here about all kinds of arranger operational aspects, ways that we can vary doing what we do, ways to improve playing skills. Possibilities for new features to improve the realism of arrangers, ways to turn traditional playing skills into effective arranger operation... blah blah blah.... They wither on the vine. But you'll piss and moan for three pages about Korg vs. Yamaha, SMF's vs. styles, Satan vs. McCain  If the membership doesn't WANT to talk about music, and admin is happy to let personal attacks and OT comments thrive, who are WE to argue...? 
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!