#247129 - 11/09/08 01:42 PM
Re: Korg Pa series Fill in issue better explained ... with examples.
Registered: 04/25/05
Posts: 14367
Loc: NW Florida
Originally posted by Ketron_AJ: This 'bugg'/error is NOT in the styles themsselves, but in the OS (how the Arranger handles the styles when the Fill is pressed).
The simple fix for Korg's PA issue is as thus...
* User presses fill (within a 4/4 style) * Check for location within measure. * If location falls around first bar - play full fill. * If location falls around 2nd bar - play first 1/2 of arranger and last 1/2 of fill * If location falls around 3rd bar - play first 3/4 of arranger and last 1/4 of fill OR just add CRASH (depends on how far into Arranger fill was pressed). * If fill pressed approximately between bars, continue with Aranger up to next bar, THEN activate Fill/break, but surpress Midi notes for chords of fill/break until next bar (this is the SUGGESTED pseudo-code fix for this and the part currently not handled well on the Pa series)... just my suggestion(s).
Again, this is just pointing out a 'bugg' with a suggested fix, and we could also apply such to other manufacturers too (as has been done in the past).
With all that having being said, I still personally think the Korg Pa800/2Xpro is the most 'extensive Arranger' with generally the best 'orchestrated styles' currently in production as of 11/09/2008.
[This message has been edited by Ketron_AJ (edited 11-09-2008).] I think what you were trying to say was about the 1st BEAT, 2nd BEAT, 3rd BEAT, not BAR, weren't you. AJ? And Zuki... sorry, old chum, but attitudes like yours almost guarantee that no fix will ever be done. Attitudes like ours aren't meant as a 'bash' to Korg, but a sincere desire to see it FIXED! After months, no, YEARS of apologists like you constantly denying the problem exists, no matter HOW many Korg users and demo-ers (I've played them in stores) say something is wrong, you step up to the plate like a good little company man, and spew the company line. Well, now that the problem has finally been demonstrated past ANY denial (other than yours), all you have left is to attack the messenger. Karl Rove arranger tactics! The problem exists, the only current solution is to COMPLETELY change the way you use fills (I'm STILL waiting for any Korg user to say they primarily trigger fills a bar in advance... even YOU won't admit that, will you?  ) and you still are in denial... You and Ian have a lot in common, zuki. No, I take that back. Even Ian WILL admit some problems when faced with evidence. Now will you quit shooting the messenger, and let us get on with helping to improve the arranger you love. Lord knows, far be it for you to join in and finally HELP....
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!
#247131 - 11/09/08 06:44 PM
Re: Korg Pa series Fill in issue better explained ... with examples.
Registered: 04/25/05
Posts: 14367
Loc: NW Florida
Originally posted by zuki: What I'm trying to prevent are the innocent lurkers who read comments like:
"an embarrassment on stage" "until fixed will never buy one" "same as the old Korg arrangers - never change" "glitches on many" "catch up to the rest of the arrangers"
I am not a Korg employee and also enjoy other boards. I just think some here have really bashed this product, instead of looking at their own.
Continue to be the forum marverick, Diki. Good luck. You remember your comments about other arrangers, zuki...? Were they valid, even if not agreed to by users of the same arranger? Or were you ambushing lurkers yourself?  You see, you found operational aspects of other arrangers that you personally did not like. And posted them, ad nauseam. You can dish it out, but you can't take it?  And this goes FAR beyond personal opinion, here. AJ finally came up with audio examples to amply demonstrate what you and a few others had been tap dancing desperately to deny even existed... And, despite the proof, here comes the soft shoe shuffle again. Trouble is, of course, those poor 'innocent lurkers' have MUCH more than simply your personal testimonial to go on, now. They can actually hear it for themselves. Whether they chose to live with this, or not, at least now is up to their INFORMED judgment, rather than relying on the evangelizing without the hint of criticism you offer up... Personally, were I lurking, I would put FAR more weight behind those who demonstrate their opinion, than those who remain musically anonymous... Oh, and by the way, I think I can confidently state that I am probably the forum's greatest critic of his OWN arranger, as well as those used by others. Please don't confuse me with others such as yourself, who only have criticism of OTHER'S arrangers. All I am interested in is them ALL becoming better, and for ALL obvious flaws (such as this one) to be fixed by the manufacturers, rather than getting a 'free pass' from their fanboys. You don't improve the breed by allowing genetic disorders to continue to propagate...  [This message has been edited by Diki (edited 11-09-2008).]
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!