But just because some people still walk around, doesn't mean it's not faster and easier to drive!
The thing is, does a major manufacturer, once they see that software has FAR outpaced what they can do easily internally, do they give up and just leave a quick fix internal with playback related features (playlists, mark/jump, lyric display capabilities, etc.), or do they pull R&D money away from other, also very important aspects that do NOT have software equivalents, and use it to make a poor (compared to software), but more fully featured internal?
Nowadays, most arrangers use USB for communication.. ergo the manufacturers already assume most of us have a computer. Even an old Atari blows away any hardware sequencer... at some point, you just have to acknowledge that the horse and buggy is old fashioned, no matter how many cling stubbornly to the past.
Where are all the knobs synths used to have? Where is all the tuning drift (and opportunity for great sounds that would sometimes produce)? Where's my chord sequencer?
Why doesn't my Nord Electro weigh 300 lbs.?
Things change. At least be grateful that a BETTER way to do things exists (not so my chord sequencer!). Let's be realistic. What would you like DROPPED, so that a better (but not as good as software) sequencer could be added? Because there is no free ride. Either the price gets raised, or something gets dropped...
Maybe LFO editing?