Originally posted by Lucky2Bhere:
I'm interested in this E-60 because it appears to be a very good price that Donny posted.
But....I couldn't find ANY E-60's on the Net. I Googled and Googled and Googled! Nothing! No Sweetwater, Musician's Friend, Sam Ash....no ads (outside of one store in Australia)!
What's up with this E-60 keyboard that it's coming across as an endangered species? And can anyone tell me what this is selling for in the stores?
And...what's the latest on the G-70? IS it discontinued? I'm partial towards Roland...been playing them for years.
The E60 is a marketing dud in the US - that's so TOO BAD

As a midline arranger it sports all the major goodies from the G70 minus a few things like the drawbar section and the vocal harmonizer. Also a few editing parameters are minimized.
As an arranger/playing tool it is marvelous. I bought a B-stock for around $1200, having been told the new stuff is around $1500-1600, but as you know finding a new model is next to impossible. I loved my E60 immensely and just now sold it only to return to a G70 for personaal reason. My board was in pristeen shape - ask Harol S - and I can pretty much guess that Fran's/Donny's E60 is equally mint.
As for cases, there are just a few that fit correctly. Guardian makes a thin 76 semi-hard case as does Groove Pak (Sam Ash). You have to be sure you ask for the thin model as the stock numbers are similar.
I've bought all my recent Rolands online, sight unseen and never been dissatisfied. Check out you sellers and know your equipment. Make sure everything meets your expectations. If you want Donny's E60, I assure you that it is a good price for great arranger keyboard.