Hi Nick,
I'll send them to you shortly.
Bear in mind , EMC sometimes does a lousy job of converting some of the drum tracks.
Have you considered doing them midifile to style?
ie turn psr style into mid file, do your drum track editing in pc sequencer, chop it up into the various parts ( fills , variations etc) & then use the import & copy functions in the PA800 to add them to your styles.
I normally use Power Tracks Pro 12 to do my drum editing. It splits a drum track into individual tracks, makes note & velocity editing a lot easier.
Then I just transpose the tracks to suit the korg drum mapping.
I just keep a copy of the psr drum maps & the korg PA1X drum maps (in the manual )that I downloaded from the Korg site. Not 100% identical to PA800, but close enough.
BTW did you get any dance styles? I've got a few from various sources if you want them.
best wishes
Originally posted by Nick G:
Hi Rikki,
thanks for the reply,
i have actually made my own versions of some of these styles, I more or less want the bass lines and drum tracks so i can just modify them to the Korg Drum kits etc.
if you could convert these ones for me ide much appreciate it!
- Bolero Lento
- Beguine
- Spanish Paso
- Pop Flamenco
- modern broadway ballad