Originally posted by kbrkr:
On most keyboards they call that the Volume pedal.
kbrkr, on the Roland's, you can get to choose WHICH parts get affected by velocity, and by how much, either positively or negatively (have a part get QUIETER as you play louder, for instance).
You can't do that with a pedal... or actually, you can on a Roland, but you have to program it in fairly carefully in advance. Come to think of it, perhaps THAT'S the way to get parts in and out depending on volume..? Up for one set of Parts, down for another (in the middle for both!).
But it still isn't velocity controlled without the Dynamic arranger. A combination of BOTH approaches could offer some SEROUS variation on a basic style, having velocity switch some parts, and the expression pedal work others.... Hmmmm...
I also have a fair bit of trouble using the volume pedal if I play standing up... too busy working sustain and the arranger controls with the FC-7. At least this offers some of that control if you CAN'T use a pedal. And so many of us have this habit of riding up on the style parts by banging away on the RH. At least this gives the arranger the opportunity to level the playing field, even if WE don't realize it at the time