#249456 - 11/27/08 09:53 AM
Re: First paid gig-1st song-best and worst gigs.
Senior Member
Registered: 06/04/02
Posts: 4912
Loc: West Palm Beach, FL 33417
I may have told this before. A sad and crazy story. A Wedding, about 275 people, Country Club.
The sad part. Played for the preheat, cocktail party – Got the band set up to introduce the wedding party. As I introduced the first couple the wedding part gathered around the father of the bride, he was on the floor. A few minutes past and they took him to the hospital. We were playing quiet listening music when the report came, the brides Father past away at the hospital. So very sad.
The crazy part. My friend Joe was on drums, really a nutty guy, his humor never stopped, he found humor in most everything we did. My Son-in-law was on bass, he was bad, he was great on guitar and 50’s lead singer, but his bass playing was really not good.
The announcement was made, the Father had past away – My crazy drummer turned to the bass player and says, “I told you that your bass laying was going to kill somebody one day.” Aaaaaaaaaaaah,
John C.
#249459 - 11/27/08 10:11 AM
Re: First paid gig-1st song-best and worst gigs.
Senior Member
Registered: 06/25/99
Posts: 16735
Loc: Benton, LA, USA
My first paying job was in high school. There were five guys in band who lived on the same street, thus the Oak Street Five was born. I played trumpet and we had a drummer, sax, bass and trombone. We only played twice for money and made a couple of bucks apiece. We only played songs we had music for and read everything. We played stuff like In the Mood, Stardust, Rock Around The Clock and Wonderland By Night. My next paying job was in college. I met a guy who was looking for a bass guitar player for a job coming up in about a month. I told him I would take it. I called Mom and she sent me the money to buy a bass guitar and amp at the hock shop. I learned to play it well enough in that month to get by, and played with the same group most of college. It wasn't long before I realized how little I knew about playing bass and gradually got better! My best job may have been traveling to Dallas to play at a huge wedding reception. One of the customers in my night club offered me a thousand dollars plus expenses. When I got there, there was a fifteen-piece show band set up. He only wanted me to play during their two breaks. I played a total of one hour and enjoyed all the wonderful food, then went to the motel and watched the Cowboys win the Super Bowl the next day. That was a lot of money at the time. Worst job was probably a few years ago when I agreed to help out a friend as a duo. He had booked a little club over in Shreveport. We set up ON the dance floor. I packed up 20 minutes later after the second fight broke out. He actually stayed around and collected our pay, but I didn't take any of it. I was just glad to get out without losing any equipment or limbs. DonM
#249462 - 11/28/08 10:57 AM
Re: First paid gig-1st song-best and worst gigs.
Senior Member
Registered: 12/01/02
Posts: 1790
Loc: Medina, OH, USA
First gig was a wedding in 1959, age 17, playing piano in a polka band, for $10! In a hot, sweaty hall, with no AC, but all the food and drinks you wanted, and lots of babes. As I recall, it was a blast!
#249463 - 11/28/08 11:18 AM
Re: First paid gig-1st song-best and worst gigs.
Senior Member
Registered: 10/08/00
Posts: 4715
Loc: West Virginia
Here's an interesting "didn't go so well gig". Years back I played in a band.. We had a good sound going.., and a good reputation in the area and had no problems getting gigs. We did however have a problem with a member that ended up being one of those "group intervention" things  Our drummer who was as nice a guy you could ever meet..., did have a problem with (how shall I say) indulging in the smoking of fine herbs  We wanted to help him kick the habbit.., and he agreed to show up at the next gig (not stoned off his a$$). Well it was at this moment that we realized the guy COULD NOT HOLD A BEAT without being stoned as he played this way FOR YEARS... Man was that gig messed up! Us and the audience were all kickin it on 2 and 4, but our drummer (who was sober) was kickin it on 1 and 3. I swear at times he was playing a completely different song. We ended up having to finish the night with another member on the drums (ended up being me).., and we changed the set a bit to keep the show going....
GEAR: Yamaha MOXF-6, Casio MZX-500, Roland Juno-Di, M-Audio Venom, Roland RS-70, Yamaha PSR S700, M-Audio Axiom Pro-61 (Midi Controller). SOFTWARE: Mixcraft-7, PowerTracks Pro Audio 2013, Beat Thang Virtual, Dimension Le.