aramis:i want to learn your choices and reasons please?
I refuse a new keyboard simply because all latest releasements are OS upgrades and nothing else is (IMHO) anything flagship about them.Remember when 64 was the norm for poly,then the 9000 came out and voila,it was 126!!now thats worth purchasing!!
Now i found out after playing countless hours what is important to me:
1. MORE poly (256-ish)
2. On the fly recording!!by this i mean one button being pressed and THEN i am recording my SESSION in my choice of either MP3 format OR MIDI!!
Having to go into a stupid "song recording" mode always & very consistantly throws off my ENTIRE spirit of playing and is never how it was while i was just freelancing my session!this is crucial towards my next "upgrade".
3.Separate DSP's for ALL style parts,ie:Bass-flanger,pad-hall,PHR1-distortion and so forth.
4.See all those X's in the back of any manual in any PSR/Tyros keyboard?THOSE have to contain MUCH more 0's! Yamaha is completely & intentionally holding back on improvements here!
5. I feel those new T3 sliders should have little clicks built in to them exatly like how the "Data wheel" moves.
If these are in the next T4/or ? THEN shall i deem $4000 actually a upgrade.These little poopsey upgrades as of late are pretty much a joke for me.I mean Yam isn't even touching poly!a lowly 128 still??huh!
You can take this truth to the bank:
Thus far ALL psr/Tyros are like young adults
in keyboard land!I am still waiting for an 'Adult' releasement..what is so bloody hard about
COMBINING THE WORLD AND FEATURES OF ARRANGERS WITH SYNTHS!!??..there's a most definate upgrade!To me all these keyboards are just a hairs breath from being sold at wallmart & i'm sure will be laughed at heartly in 10-12years as your friends say
"phht $4 grand for THAT"?
[This message has been edited by mr9000 (edited 11-30-2008).]