Originally posted by Diki:
BTW, Dom, if you are trolling this thread....
I've got a sneaking suspicion your arranger COULD sound this good. It's got the technology. But these Audya demos kick major ass, and yours are, well, you know what we think of most of those 
Ketron are spending the money on getting high quality, professional demos, high quality professional styles and loops, and I honestly think they are going to sell very well, at least in comparison to the MS for that very reason. NOT because technically it's any better than the MS. In fact, without VSTi capability, it ISN'T...
But it SOUNDS better on those demos, and that is where most are going to get their conclusions from, and make their buying decisions. Perhaps NOW is the time to take a break from never-ending OS upgrades, and finally concentrate on this, I think what most of us here would consider the MOST important aspect of an arranger (or at least the most important consideration while we are shopping around)...
The CONTENT, and the demos...I have listen this new demos too and on the web are really good!
But before we can say really GOOD, we know the story of the Yamaha T3 demos and the T3 demos who made at home are totally different.
This because and for sure yammy will full process and then post online and then in Real the T3 sounds about the same like the T2.
I think is the same story with the Audya..the al demos seem more a sequences made with a SEQ and NOT played in realtime.
Are to mcu perfect, no one wrong notes and all the global sounds have a lot of reverb..
sorry but for me smell strange...but we will know when you there you can play with your hands.
In my last post I have asked who in Audya will make the sampler...the PC CPU Intel or the Dream 9708 chipset??
they have updates the demos and seem also the specifications:
http://www.ketron.it/prodotti/dettagli.asp?sezione=1&idProdotto=30 197 notes, it mean that are two dream chip.
sam9708 can drive Up to 256Mb ROM/RAM, sam 9707? about 64Mb ROM/RAM..
HOW can the PC Pentium intel manage only 64Mb sampler??
If I'm wrong, just correct me.
the two chips DSP are only 16bit with a lot of noise effects and can NOT share the memory RAM/ROM.
How you told before the problem is the ROM grooves, what happen if you want load more samples?
About then the long loading time and RAM limitation, wich DSP engine will load this new samples? The arranger/midiplayer DSP or the Keyboard sampler DSP?
Please, you can just compare right now the new styles that they have posted, but you can not compare with the open way of the qranger system.
In qranger we dont have ANY RAM, midi and audio tracks limitation, all is realtime straming with also unlimited mid Outputs.
One week more and then we release the OS ubuntu and we are also ready for remake all again the al new styles. ( the system Qranger is totally changed to native version)
Let's wait when this Audya will be available, play with yours hands and then we can discuss more..
Take the example and the story of the T3....
Enjoy what you play...
[This message has been edited by LIONSTRACS (edited 12-06-2008).]