The problem with all this is that there ARE hardware issues. The RAM for the OS is limited. Every time you add a new feature, less remains. At this point (after TWO major upgrades and feature additions), I suspect it is gone. Roland Europe DID, at one time, answer a direct question (about the .bmp viewer) with the information that there were hardware issues with the G70 that made this feature impossible on the G70.
I think, at this point though, that Roland needs to get on with the NEW arrangers. I sure don't remember so much bitching about the G1000, because there WAS a newer arranger for those hitting the wall on the G1000. This is no longer the case. The G70 is IT, as far as TOTL 76's in Roland's arranger lineup.
The E80 does have an upgrade path, though. It's already on OS2, which added the MP3 player amongst other things, and has quite a few OS improvements over the G70. To be honest, I can't understand the reason why Roland hasn't simply packaged the E80's innards in the G70's skin, and come out with a quick fix 'G80'...
One of my pet theories is that Roland basically shot themselves in the foot with the rushed out OS1 G70. It went over poorly with a LOT of older Roland fans, that had moved on to Yamaha or Korg while the inept VA-series ran it's course, with poorly balanced styles and too much reverb (thank you! Roland Europe - why are Europeans so addicted to reverb?

) and an OTS system that made little sense.
OS2 and OS3 addressed most of the issues, but the damage had been done. And, in Roland's eyes, after spending all that money on OS2 & 3, sales did NOT pick up significantly. Hence, I imagine, their reticence at making yet ANOTHER free upgrade, which won't do much to sales present OR future.
For me, there are only a few niggles left, and none of them are of course deal-breakers (or I wouldn't still be using it!). Would I LOVE to see Roland finally address them? Sure. Do I expect it? Not at all. Can I use my G70 in the meantime? You bet! Will I buy the next Roland 76 G-series? If it is sufficiently better than the G70.
I STILL can't get into Korg's (not enough fills, too weird a file system, not easy enough style and SMF editing, wanky B3 and piano IMO) Yamaha don't think anybody can play piano that uses an arranger (or they would make a 76), Wersi and Ketron make arrangers for wealthy retirees, not poor hard working pros!
What choice do I have?