#251288 - 12/20/08 04:50 AM
Re: I was shocked when I heard this. Tell me what YOU think!
Senior Member
Registered: 08/23/04
Posts: 2207
Loc: Dayton, OH USA
Originally posted by Lucky2Bhere: Like I Care…
I think that you DO care or you wouldn’t have taken the time out to sign up here and write what you did!
Now you’re probably a very nice fellow, but you should be ashamed of yourself advertising like this. First and foremost, this type of musical presentation does a disservice to true OMB’s. When I also became a DJ in the 90‘s, in the transition period from live music to canned, what I heard repeatedly from my new DJ clients was how live musicians “don’t cut it anymore.” Listening to your demo’s, I can understand them saying that. If you’re going to do what you do, I have no problem with that. Just don’t advertise yourself the way you do…..one person producing the “sound of an orchestra!”
You wrote: “My focus on the ship was to make as much in tips as I could.”
I have no problem with that either, but please, have a little class about it. When I lived in Europe, I busked in the streets! I played for long lines of people at the Tower of London with a tin cup attached to my accordion. I did the same in Petticoat Lane on a Sunday. I had the same goal…make as much in tips as I could. But I did it with class. I played Strauss waltzes, military marches, polkas, and even the William Tell Overture. I introduced them to music they don’t normally hear or music that they could relate to. I walked away each time many dollars richer but even richer in knowing that I enriched the lives of others. (Plus......I got &*^% a lot too!)
You wrote: “…for all those that are so interested in what I am doing musically, I sent those same demo files to an agency and booked new years from 7-9PM for $600 on Acoustic piano.
Lucky requests: the phone # of the agent who is paying you $600 to play piano for two hours based on your demo’s. a) I want to contact him to see if he realizes what he did, and b) quite frankly, I don’t believe that. But I’m willing to reverse my non-believer status and eat humble pie if this is true!
But, as I said previously, you seem like a very nice fellow just out to earn a buck, so I’ll wish you and yours a Merry Christmas back.
I have one more posting to do about this.
If "Like I care" thought acting like a jerk was a requirement for membership, I'd understand totally. The question was legit I suppose, but the dis-respect you are showing this guy is rude. For a player who has shared "Strauss waltzes, military marches, polkas, and even the William Tell Overture" with the masses, I'd expect a different approach. I understand your frustration with the current edition of the musical world as we find it. I do not know you, but I'm guessing you are older than I. (I'm 48) You have seen & heard things I have not. The young man who is the subject of this thread seems quite comfortable in his own musical skin and beyond that, who really cares? So what if he's making $$$$ on NYE? I know of good musicians making less that night...I know of good musicians making more that night...What we make or don't make on NYE is a clear indication of only what you'll deposit in the bank later on... I'm reading large amounts of frustration that are probably coming out in unintended ways. The great music is still there, trust me. A gentleman with the musical tastes you have shouldn't be shaken by the new music out there. One of my favorites, George Gershwin, was disrespected back in the day. Even with his tragically short career, his music, once regarded as trash...certainly lives on, right? A suggestion...find yourself a recording of Claire De Lune and listen to it 3-4 times in a row... Trust me, you'll feel better afterwards... ------------------ Bill in Dayton
Bill in Dayton
#251291 - 12/20/08 05:48 AM
Re: I was shocked when I heard this. Tell me what YOU think!
Senior Member
Registered: 08/23/04
Posts: 2207
Loc: Dayton, OH USA
Originally posted by Lucky2Bhere: Somewhere along the way you have to take a stand, reverse this "dumbing down" syndrome, and give back to the system that gave to you. Entertainers and others in the public eye say they are just reflecting what people are all about. I say those of us who were given talent to lead others should lead them in a positive direction, not bring them down even further. Re-introduce them to quality music..it's what we need more of these days to help many folks cope.
If we agree music is a form of communication, them it must conform to the basic definition of communication. To have communication, you must have three things. 1) A sender 2) A receiver 3) A message If you don't have all three, its not "communication" as we understand it. If we take my example of Debussy's masterpiece and play it for 150 teens in a punk club, they're not going to fall on their knees and begin to weep for the sheer beauty of it. (As the father of 3 teens, take my word on this, ok?) The kids in that club aren't typically tuned into the same frequency someone who like the classics. IOW, they may hear it, but they're not listening.. You/I/We can collectively all wish the world had different musical sensibilities, but for any of us to "decide" what the "positive direction" musically is, isn't our place. For some, musical beauty is found in the works of the Classics...some find it in the blues...some find it in Broadway scores and so on. I think, to try and reverse the dumbing down as some call it, it a fool's errand with only frustration at the end of the quest... ------------------ Bill in Dayton [This message has been edited by Bill in Dayton (edited 12-20-2008).]
Bill in Dayton
#251294 - 12/20/08 10:36 AM
Re: I was shocked when I heard this. Tell me what YOU think!
Senior Member
Registered: 03/24/08
Posts: 1099
Loc: Myrtle beach SC
You said it all. I dislike Hiphop and Rap but those are the genres that are getting all the "awards from the music industry." No generation was generally in love with heir kids music. The whole idea is to "rebel" against the generation previous and that means dressing and listening to music that is not only different but despised. That's life. Few are making a living writing and performing symphonies. Many are writing and performing songs using prerecorded loops and arrangements. It's all good to someone or millions of someones whether I like it or not. Most working musicians making their living here in Myrtle Beach by a HUGE margin are over 45 because the clientèle who visits wants to hear the music of their peer group.
Yamaha Tyros 4 Yamaha Motif XS8 Roland RD700 Casio PX-330 Martin DC Aura Breedlove ATlas Solo Bose MOD II PA
#251295 - 12/20/08 10:42 AM
Re: I was shocked when I heard this. Tell me what YOU think!
Senior Member
Registered: 03/24/08
Posts: 1099
Loc: Myrtle beach SC
Originally posted by Lucky2Bhere: Somewhere along the way you have to take a stand, reverse this "dumbing down" syndrome, and give back to the system that gave to you. Entertainers and others in the public eye say they are just reflecting what people are all about. I say those of us who were given talent to lead others should lead them in a positive direction, not bring them down even further. Re-introduce them to quality music..it's what we need more of these days to help many folks cope.
You cannot "force your art and culture" on anyone. Quality music is in the "ear of the beholder" not the creator. You can play Gershwin, Brubeck, Mozart, Kahn all day long but those days have passed and unless you are playing what YOUR audience wants to hear they will not pay to hear you and or go away not liking your work no matter how many years you studied or Music degrees one has. I loved Jon Lord in Deep Purple. I cannot stomach his work very long today.
Yamaha Tyros 4 Yamaha Motif XS8 Roland RD700 Casio PX-330 Martin DC Aura Breedlove ATlas Solo Bose MOD II PA
#251296 - 12/20/08 11:19 AM
Re: I was shocked when I heard this. Tell me what YOU think!
Senior Member
Registered: 10/08/00
Posts: 4715
Loc: West Virginia
I understand that some of you guys aren't into these more modern styles of music. However..., arranger keyboards will continue to have the negative stereotypes they have now unless the makers start updating these styles.... The reason the younger generation goes to the workstation is because "it's up to date". Modern styles on an arranger are totally different than the modern patterns and grooves on a workstation.. The workstation is more in touch with that.
Look at it like this... We get all these great arrangers that are "region specific" such as the new GW-8 by Roland. There are several versions of this keyboard..., they all have an "extra" area of sounds and styles that are tailored to the region.
Why can't arranger makers take the same approach with "modern styles". Why not (along with all the traditional styles) include a section of more modern styles. Look.., realistically no one is going to produce a number one hit rap album using an arranger keyboard..., however you'd be surprised how the songs you guys play now using traditional styles would sound if you spiced them up a bit with a more modern groove. Hip Hop isn't all record scratching, bass, vocal hits, ect... I've heard some kick ass jazz grooves played using hip hop tracks. I watched a guy about a year ago use a Korg PA-80 (wrote his own style) and played a Hip Hop version of a BeBop style.., and man was it good!
The limitations are really within the player IMO.
[This message has been edited by squeak_D (edited 12-20-2008).]
GEAR: Yamaha MOXF-6, Casio MZX-500, Roland Juno-Di, M-Audio Venom, Roland RS-70, Yamaha PSR S700, M-Audio Axiom Pro-61 (Midi Controller). SOFTWARE: Mixcraft-7, PowerTracks Pro Audio 2013, Beat Thang Virtual, Dimension Le.