You're absolutely right. How it stacks up in the sound department is priority one. Everything else trickles down from that juncture as far as what is relative in importance on the keyboard itself. USB 1.1 or 2.0 is just one blip on the radar screen but with USB 2.0 being a louder blip then 1.1 in my opinion.
The only reason I'm theorizing that the Audya will have USB 1.1 is because when the topic is brought up (by me mostly, I admit..

) and is directed at Ketron in the form of a question, (which also expects an answer by the way), the ensuing silence is deafening indeed. For whatever reason AJ, Ted, and the Ketron clan down in Ancona Italy seem to have a morbid fear of answering that question when it is put before them i.e. "does the Audya have USB 2.0?" >> I don't think that is an "out of bound" question to ask them, do you guys?

Why won't they answer that specific question is my real beef.

AJ and Ted have answered many other questions put before them (all cleared beforehand by ketron Italy of course)

, yet they won't answer that "specific" question regarding the USB interface on the Audya.
Sure, there are many other important things about the Audya that need to come to light and AJ, for the most part, has answered some, if not many, of those previously unanswered questions. Yet when USB 1.1 vs. USB 2.0 is brought up you would have thought I was asking Ketron to march blindfolded in a straight line off a cliff - OR - demanding they give every Audya that is produced away for free. Although that second one sounds like a pretty good idea to me, don't you?
Nevertheless, even though we joke about it the question regarding USB 1.1 vs. 2.0 should command as much respect as any and every other question that has been posed to Ketron about the Audya. Yet, nothing.... chirp..chirp..chirp (crickets in the background), dead silence, nothing, nada, zilch, goose egg - from Ketron. Their lips continue to be sealed for some unfathomably 'strange', and I do mean STRANGE

reason. Which is not really a "legitimate" reason at all. But still baffling nonetheless, at least to me anyway.
So, if Ketron is refusing to answer this simple, sincere, question posed to them; the only reason I can honestly think of as to why they continue NOT to respond is that the Audya will indeed have USB 1.1 and Ketron is so ashamed of that fact that they'd rather not answer the question at all, fearing also that it might hinder sales of the Audya once it has been released to the public.
OTOH, maybe it's just me.

Maybe they feel threatened by my intrusive, abrasive, and hard hitting questions I have posed to them. Which is strange in itself, because formerly (when the Audya was first announced a couple years ago) and even fairly recently, I had been touting Ketron as a company to people in other keyboard forums on the Net and also lauding the Audya as a revolutionary music making device i.e. = as a breakthrough advancement in keyboard technology. And this is the reward I get for trying to pump them up??

Silence from them??

Thanks but no thanks. [img][/img]
Consequently, I will never purchase a Ketron product EVER, period. Am I angry?? Nah, not really angry. I'm just disappointed in Ketron as a company on the whole. Therefore I cannot trust them with my money, sad to say. They have lost my respect as a public entity, which when you think about it, all public entities (companies) have been, and are, created for the sole purpose of serving the public i.e. the consumer - you and me. [img][/img] Unfortunately, by Ketron's refusal (denial) to answer legitimate questions posed to them about one (or more) of their products, goes contrary and in direct opposition to what they were created for in the first place i.e.= to serve the public and the public's interest. Which Ketron has obviously failed to do in my humble opinion.
All the best,
[This message has been edited by keybplayer (edited 12-21-2008).]