Hi Rikki,
Yes it is a rather larger amount isn't it

Bear in mind though that that was Warwicks initial estimate of what he will be selling for.
The 10k I mentioned was the original RRP based on his initial contact with Ketron re Audya pricing.
As you would have seen there has been some positive moves on the exchange rates (AUD-Euro) so at this point in time, we would be looking at approx $6450. By the time March-April rolls around it may even be less, so there is still hope.
He also said that a "final firm price" couldn't be given until he had units on the floor.
Of course if the Euro gets back to where it was pre-financial crisis ( about 62 cents) that would bring the price down to not far from the T3.
He did mention too, that he was always unsure of just EXACTLY what Ketron will do when it comes to ex-factory pricing. All he knows is what he has told me, which is what Ketron have told him, which could change closer to March.
PS: I wish I had kept my SD1+ now, considering the amount I had to finally sell it for!!