Originally posted by captain Russ:
On Christmas Eve, I always play at one of the older hotels in town. It's the gathering place for lots of the service people from area clubs, restaurants, etc. I played this hotel 6 nights a week for about 10 years. As service people get off work, they stop by for a minute.
New Years will be at the restaurant I play week-ends from 6-8-then, on to the country club I've played for 20 years. I'll be joined by a respected area educator on sax, which is something I've been looking forward to most of this year. Finally, we'll show up for an impromptu jam at another private club for breakfast.
H0-Ho-Ho, everyone!Russ
Sounds great Russ....have a ball!
I'm loaded for bear myself this week & next,
doubles the next 4 days which includes Xmas eve & day also but will be home late afternoon both days for dinner with the family, next day a Big Wedding, another Holiday Party, then a Triple New Years Eve, early double New Years Day, then on the 2nd a I'm performing at a latin Club Dia de los Reyes/Three Kings Day Dinner dance.
Happy Holidays Everyone!!
Ho Ho Ho