YOu an actually do both DIKI!! You can actually multi task and learn more. Being a MAC user I understand the magnitude of complexity the non proprietary component based computer may look. Many of us make or have made our living in music and still learned how to do other things.
I realize the The Mac UI is so easy to use, it�s actually insulting to a power user and yes Apple has always catered to people who prefer pictures over words. People who want the computer to be a "transparent" component which has it's benefits as long as long as everything is running as it should.
But learning the intricacies of the OS and hardware is a good thing. Really! Learning is ALWAYS a good thing. Yeah even at the "expense" of a few hours of "creating". It can save your hide as well.
It has been very comforting and handy over the years to know if ANY component fails I have the ability and knowledge get it up and running again in the time it takes to run down the street pick one up, install the readily available part and be up and running in less than an hour.Or build a computer to my exact specifications. I have never met a MAC user who could claim the same. They just swear their parts never fail are bullet proof, seemingly made of some special secret super silicon, magnetic material, "Macmega" phosphors,wafers in some secret Apple lab.
I actually enjoy not having to purchase new Recording software with each OS upgrade like some of my MAC brethren wailed about. I like having had more CHOICES in software packages as well. No doubt Windows has not been without it's problems. (Windows ME, now Vista) I am rolling back the only Vista computer we have to the rock solid XP.
In my case(and I am sure many who still use Windows based PCs) the benefits far outweighed the "issues" IF they took the time to learn how it operates. However the line is becoming blurred on the hardware side. Which is not a good thing for MAC and the myth of no virus issues.
Apple simply never had a large enough market share and were not as large a target, however that is changing and MACs are sharing more components and chips with traditional PCs and being targeted like Windows users. Its not like the OS is naturally immune. No OS is. It simply wasn't worth the effort for those who create the nasty little programs. I dare any MAC user to run on the net without anti-virus software nowadays, Like many, I prefer to be my own manufacturer, repair tech, upgrade tech,network tech for my mission critical machines. That's the single biggest reason (second being cost) I chose non proprietary component based machines and "suffered" through a learning curve at the "expense" of some music creation. Yeah darn, I had to learn DOS while other's created music. But that's no longer an issue and it wasn't so bad to put some music "on hold" for the long term benefits. Nowadays I just have all the parts delivered and build it and buy Dell refurbs for the rest of the house.
As the hardware lines become more blurred and the the more "PC component" like and less proprietary MAC gets the more I am more inclined to give it a try. But not at an additional cost for the OS and only then if Cakewalk Sonar runs natively on it.
[This message has been edited by Kingfrog (edited 01-08-2009).]