Originally posted by cgiles:
Tony, you gotta start learning to recognize when I'm kidding. The best pizza around here (Brick Oven) has (oddly) Korean ownership and management. Go figure. Maybe they're Italian-Korean-Americans? They also have the best lasagna on the planet. A list of heart surgeons is printed on the back of each menu. Heck, gotta go sometime
chas ... sometimes that can be tough in the 'digital-talk' world ...
but while I was HOPING it was 'tongue-in-cheek' (hence all my 'smileys' in my response), I have some friends who have moved to southern states only to find that 'chain-store pizza' is about all they can get ...
And while we all - well at least a good majority of us - like to believe that OUR OWN ethnic food can only be made by people of our own ethnicity because it has to 'come from the heart, nowadays with people of all ethnic backgrounds being interested in just making really good food, we find first class chefs of any ethnic background making great dishes of any OTHER ethnic background ...
If the recipe is great and followed perfectly, more often than not the final product is great, no matter who is at the stove ...
Just watch the Food Network enough and you will see what I mean ...

And not that I want to find something to disagree with you on, but the "best lasagna on the planet' comes from Lydia's kitchen ... NO ONE in our family or anywhere else makes it better ... I am a VERY lucky man !!!
And as a great chef once said, "We are concerned with taste, we cannot worry about your health!!!"