Trust me, Tom, the G70 is no more the perfect arranger than the Audya. And I'm sorry if you think that keeping your eyes wide open during the blizzard of hype and bated breath speculation that accompanies every new TOTL arranger's launch, and discussing some of the OBVIOUS shortcomings of any new technology is 'putting it down'....
Do you berate those that simply gush enthusiastically about every unheard feature as if it is a panacea to every playing woe they ever had as 'building it up'?
No... you do not. My questions about the value of audio loops on melodic parts (rather than just drum loops) is still a valid one.
And the day you get your Audya, and ask it to play a Min(maj7) chord and it (or at least the live loop part - what you payed a fortune for
) plays a Min(no extension), you will have the opportunity to 'put it down' yourself. That is, if you even CARE whether it can play chords like that (my shitty G70 has no problem with those types of chords)...
Or the day you decide to use it's sampler, and find out that 64MB is not enough to load in what you want (if you even use samples at all) and you wonder why they couldn't allow the 1GB or so that Yamaha allow, or the 256MB that Korg do.
Or the day that you remember that virtually no new 'live loop' styles (that used NEW live loops) were ever released for the SD-1 after it's release (or a fraction of the new styles that Yamaha, Korg and Roland released). Ketron's commitment to producing LOTS of new styles, in a large variety of formats (no two people perform exactly the same kind of music and need exactly the same type of styles for it) at an affordable price is, IMO, essential to the Audya's success.
As has been noted (by someone else, if you want to berate HIM, too!), styles without the audio loops don't sound that different from any other arranger. But the loop styles make a HUGE difference. However, let's say I do a show of primarily New Orleans and Cajun music. What are my odds of getting Ketron to provide live loop styles in those genres? Pretty slim, I'd say. But they are easy enough to find for a MIDI based arranger. Or to make, even.
But Ketron is going to need a studio full of REAL players (and not slackers with a mouse) to produce these. And where is the return on their investment? Shoot the messenger all you want, but it is a fact of life that we trade styles around like bubblegum cards. As expensive to produce as these live loop styles are going to be, what is Ketron's reason to produce additional ones? Yep.... MONEY! How many would they have to sell (remember, there's only ONE product in their entire line that is capable of playing them) to even break even, yet alone make a decent profit. When ONE dishonest owner could 'share' them with all his other Audya friends and nix that idea?
I REALLY like Yamaha's IDG (?) system, with copy protection. You know at least that Yamaha will make enough off the styles to warrant making MORE... And more is what we all want. To be honest, how many or us would even bother changing arrangers if the factory released as many NEW, fresh, as-good-as-the-ROM styles every year as when we bought it..?
But because we trade styles around (little or no copy protection) few are ever made until those that come out with the NEXT generation of arranger. So we all buy the new arranger, mostly for the new styles and sounds.
Ketron are TALKING about changing that, but without copy protection, how long do you think they will keep making a loss? The SD-1 certainly showed the depth of their commitment to a constant supply of fresh 'live loop' styles
But, like I said, shoot the messenger... or buy an Audya, and THEN start talking about these issues. But they are not going to go away if we all close our eyes. And you MIGHT at least acknowledge that I have been one of the most enthusiastic endorsers of the demos. They sound GREAT! I am NOT 'putting the Audya down''. Far from it.
But I AM staying awake, and not letting the hype and excitement blind me to obvious (well, obvious to me, anyway!) shortcomings of this system...
But cross your fingers, if that helps for you...