Hello Henni...Thank You for Posting Your Music Arrangements...I Love Upbeat Christain Contemporary Music. You are Very Talented...
If I may just add My Positive Criticism only, I Have a Problem Hearing Your Vocals Volume wise and clearly...
If You are using the Yamaha Harmonizer Gary Diamond(Travelin Easy) Here on The Forum is a Pro Both at Fine tuning the Yamaha 3000 and The Harmonizer to Perfection. Plus He's a Real Gentleman, He will help Anyone...He has Me!...Maybe I'm sticking my nose where it doen't belong too!
Most of All...Please Keep working on your Music Ministry...Keep Sharing Your Talent with others to Hear....Not only Here, but anywhere You can...There is really a need Today more than any other time...Alot of Peple are really Down with all the Down turns in the Economy,Loss of Jobs, and Bleak Short term Future...MUSIC puts Joy in ones Heart, lifts Spirits,brings Smiles and shares LOVE!...Share it My Friend...Harold