I'm not sure there's ANYONE on this forum willing to bang down $5k without fully testing it for themselves. I certainly can't pull the trigger based simply on someone else's opinion, especially someone I have not heard their own playing and finickiness about sound detail. As is evident on a forum with such a wide range of ability and tastes, one man's meat is another man's poison.
What works for me may not (in many cases, DOESN'T

) work for you... and vice versa.
For now, I remain skeptical until I hear it for myself. That can either be in a day If some owner would put up the audio guitar loops chord sequence, or a year or more, when one finally makes it to a dealer anywhere near me. To be honest, I don't feel like driving more than a few miles to try one out, given the reluctance of the manufacturer to post the demo. I'm pretty busy right now.
I don't feel it is MY job to track one down and drive a day or so, just to get a simple answer and a simple demo.
If the factory or a dealer wants MY money, they can be straightforward about features, and prompt about demo requests. Or at least get on the manufacturers case and say their potential customers have questions that a demo would answer.
Ketron, I am positive, made a VERY deliberate decision when posting their 'unplugged' demos on their sites to NEVER play any of the missing chords. If the problem was as unnoticeable as some have said, why go to that length?
These guys are not making these things as a favor to us. They want money, and lots and LOTS of it. Why a request to have a feature adequately demonstrated is an issue for slander and flaming from representatives of theirs beats me.
Want my money? Come and get it...

Don't expect me to crawl up to your door and BEG you to sell me one!