Originally posted by gittzit:
As on ketron guitat player once told me and I find it very true, if you ever get to the point where you are completely satasfied with what you play anh hear from yourself you are over the hill and basicall thrrough.
Amen to that. I worry sometimes about how satisfied so many are with their arrangers on this forum!
Mind you, you've got to get a bit worried about Ketron themselves, given that corollary... Are they REALLY satisfied with the way the audio loop feature has worked out? Are they content to let it go out the door unable to play many basic chord types? Are they basically through?
I've heard a few of the Jam videos. a) I haven't found one yet where AJ plays more than basic maj min on guitar loop styles, and b) without those, it sounds like an SD-1 or SD-5. Ketron could have just come out with a boatload of new drum loop styles for the SD-1 and you'd have close to an Audya...
Ketron bet the farm on this audio loop technology, tried for three years or so to get it to work, found out it's not NEARLY as easy as they thought it would be, and gave up... But they still try to get us to buy this failed product.
If you could load the drum loops into an SD-1 or-5, most people would chose that much less expensive option. Somehow, I don't see Ketron doing that! Eventually, most MIDI styles from the latest arranger get backwards ported (at least to the ability of the legacy arranger). Forget that on Ketron's. So, when Ketron come out with an Audya2, don't expect any backwards compatibility. You'll have to BUY it to get access to the styles...
I've got E80 styles in my G70. There are T3 styles converted (as well as they can be) for T2. There are PA2X styles out there converted for PA1X. They all sound pretty damn good (other than the new features). But you'll never get an Audya style in an SD-1.
The more you look at audio loop styles, the more limitations they have...