I did some more research on the matter and it does indeed look like GC is in financial straits. When Bain Capital bought them in June of 2007 GC was already 200 million dollars in debt. Then in March of 2008 GC was listed as being 650 million in debt. That being the case and with the world economy now being in the proverbial "tank" I could imagine GC now being well over 1 billion in debt currently. Although that is just speculation. There has been talk of a Chapter 11 reorganization but that hasn't been either confirmed or denied from reliable sources yet.
It's hard to imagine that GC would suddenly go belly up but stranger things have happened. With other "major" companies dropping like flies all around the U.S. and worldwide too I would have to believe, then I suppose it 'could' happen to GC as well, although I hope it doesn't of course.
I did notice a strange phenomemon at my local GC recently. Seems all the regular employees in the keyboard section are no longer there, at least none of the faces look familiar to me. And I knew many of "previous" salespeople fairly well too. Maybe they got privy to some information the rest of us haven't gotten yet and they vamoosed because they knew the writing was on the wall. Hard to say though, because GC can sometimes have a dramatic employee turn over rate.
So DanO you could very well be right on in your assumption, or rather your friend's assumption with his information that he passed along to you.
Where's Chicken Little when you need him, eh?

All the best,
[This message has been edited by keybplayer (edited 02-08-2009).]