False alarm fellas. The sky is not falling either as chicken little use to say.
GC has NOT filed for bankruptcy protection, however much Dan might want them to.

Guitar Center recently "acquired" The Woodwind & The Brasswind from the Musician Friends company subsidiary. Guitar Center also recently acquired the Music123.com online music retailer as well. They also purchased the Music & Arts Center company back in 2005 and have recently started to expand its presence throughout the country with ambitious building and expansion projects.
Nice try Dan..

All the best,
PS: Now if Dan heard this within the last 24 hours then he has an extremely good inside connection and the information has not yet reached the threshold of major news outlets or the internet as of 8:00 a.m this morning. There a slight possibility of that happening though, seeing this is Sunday and all.
[This message has been edited by keybplayer (edited 02-08-2009).]